Key Benefits:
Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs and Minister Delegate to Budget And budget reform,
Given article L. 361-1 of the Rural Code;
In R. * 361-1 and R. * 361-19 of the Rural Code,
The National Agricultural Disaster Guarantee Fund shall, within the limits set out in Article 2 of the This Order, the costs of investigating and monitoring the 2003 drought claims.
The amount of operating and non-official personnel costs that are necessary for the investigation and control of claims made by the Departmental Director of Agriculture and Forest is fixed at 22 EUR per file. This support occurs as soon as the first case is heard for this disaster.
Advances on the amount referred to Article 2 may be granted for the payment of personnel and operating expenses, on the request of the Departmental Director of Agriculture and Forestry.
To that effect, the Departmental Director of Agriculture and Forestry Addresses a request to the financial affairs directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs.
The advances provided for in Article 3 shall be paid to the special account open to the general treasury on behalf of the Central Reinsurance Fund on behalf of the National Agricultural Disaster Guarantee Fund, operating under Signature of departmental delegate.
The Director of Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs, the Director of the Treasury in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, and the Director of Budget at the Ministry of Budget and Budget Reform are responsible for each Of the execution of this Order, to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 23, 2003.
Minister of Agriculture, Food,
Fisheries and Rural Affairs,
Hervé Gaymard
The Minister of Economics,
Finance and Industry,
Francis Mer
Budget Reform Minister
and Budget Reform,
Alain Lambert