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Notice Of The Publication Of The Decisions Taken By The Commission Of Stock Market Operations (Decisions Published In The Daily Record Or Exempt From Publication)

Original Language Title: Avis relatif à la publication des décisions prises par la Commission des opérations de bourse (décisions parues au relevé quotidien ou dispensées de publication)

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2003 Page 735
Text No. 32

Opinion on the publication of decisions taken by the Securities and Exchange Commission (decisions published on a daily or publication basis)

NOR: COBX0200040V ELI: Not available

1. The Commission has referred to the following information notes:

You can view the table in OJ
No 10, 12/01/2003, page 735 to 754

2. The commission has saved the following documents:

You can view the table in OJ
No 10, 12/01/2003, page 735 to 754

3. The Commission granted its visa on the occasion of the update of the information note for the following civil property investment company:

You can consult the table in OJ
No 10 of 12/01/2003 page 735 at 754

These decisions can be consulted at the Commission des opérations de bourse, 17, place de la Bourse, 75082 Paris Cedex 2.

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