Key Benefits:
Minister of equipment, transport, housing, tourism and the sea,
In view of Directive 89 /106/EEC of 21 December 1988 of the Council of the European Communities On the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning construction products, as amended by Directive 93 /68/EEC of 22 July 1993;
Having regard to Decree No 92-647 of 8 July 1992 Concerning suitability for the use of construction products, as amended by Decree No. 95-1051 of 20 September 1995;
Having regard to the order of 31 July 1992 on the European technical approval and the list of bodies entitled to issue European technical approval, as amended by the decree of 7 March 1996,
Annex 1 to the decree of 31 July 1992 laying down the list of approval bodies referred to in Article 1 of the said Order is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Order.
This Order will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
The accreditation bodies referred to in Article 1 of this Order are:
Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik (OIB), Schenkenstrasse 4, A-1010 Wien (Austria).
UBATC, direction approval and Specifications (DAS), Wetstraat 155, rue de la Loi, B-1040 Brussel/Bruxelles (Belgium).
Eta-Danmark a/s, Venlighedsvej 6, DK-2970 Horsholm (Denmark).
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBT), Kolonnenstrasse 30 L, D-10829 Berlin (Germany).
Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT), PO Box 1800, FIN-02044 vtt (Finland).
Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment (CSTB), 4, avenue du Recteur-Poincaré, F-75782 Paris Cedex 16 (France).
Technical Studies Service Roads and highways (SETRA), 46 A. -Briand Avenue, BP 100, F-92225 Bagneux (France).
Hellenic Organization for Standardisation (ELOT), 313 Acharnon Street, GR-111 45 Athens (Greece).
The Icelandic Building Research Institute (IBRI), rb - Keldnaholt, IS-112 Reykjavik (Iceland).
Irish Agreement Board (IAB), National Standards Authority of Ireland, Glasnevin, IRL-Dublin 9 (Ireland).
Servizio tecnico centrale della presidenza del consiglio superiority dei lavori publici (STC), Via Nomentana 2, IT-00161 Roma (Italy).
Centro studi ed esperienze antinashi dell corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco (CSEA), Piazza Scilla 2, IT-00178 Roma-Capannelle (Italy).
Istituto centrale per l' industrializzazione e tecnologia Edilizia (ICITE), Via Lombardia 49, Fraz. -Sesto Ulteriano, IT-20098 San Giuliano Milanese (Italy).
Bridge and Footwear Laboratory, 23, rue du Chemin-de-Fer, BP 17, L-8057 Bertrange, Luxembourg.
Stichting bouwkwaliteit (SBK), Treubstraat 1, NL-2288 eg Rijswijk (Holland).
BDA-intron bv, Venusstraat 2, NL-4105 jh Culemborg (Holland).
Stichting keuringsbureau hont (SKH), Huizermaatweg 29, postbus 50, NL-1270 ab Huizen (Holland).
Bv Kwaliteitsverklaringen bouw (BKB), Veerhaven 7, postbus 1836, NL-3000 bv Rotterdam (Holland).
Certificatie-instelling stichting BMC, Büchnerweg 3, postbus 150, NL-2800 ad Gouda (Holland).
Instituut voor keuring en onderzoek van bouwmaterialen (IKOB), Ambachtsweg 10, postbus 205, NL-3770 ae Barneveld (Holland).
Stichting kwaliteitscentrum gevelelementen (SKG), Veldzicht 26-30b, postbus 212, NL-3454 zl de Meern (Holland).
Kiwa nv, Certification and inspection, postbus 70, NL-2280 ab Rijswijk (Holland).
Norwegian Building Research Institute (NBI), Forskningveien 3b, postboks 123, Blindern, N-0314 Oslo (Norway).
Laboratorio nacional de engenharia civil (LNEC), avenida do Brasil 101, P-1700-066 Lisboa (Portugal)
Construccion Eduardo Torroja (IETCC), Serrano Galcow s/n, E-28033 Madrid (Spain).
Institute de tecnologia de la construccio de Catalunya (ITEC), Wellington 19, E-08018 Barcelona (Spain).
Swedish Institute for Technical Approval in Construction (SITAC), PO Box 553, S-37123 Karlskrona (Sweden).
British Board of Agreement (BBA), PO Box 195, Bucknalls Lane, Garston, Watford, Herts, WO25 9BA, UK, England.
th Certification Ltd, Garston, Watford, Herts, WD25 9XX, UK (England).
UK CARES, Pembroke House, 21 Pembroke Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 IXR, UK.
BM TRADA Certification Limited, Stocking Lane, Bucks, HP14 4NR, UK, England.
Warrington Certification Limited, Holmesfield Road, Warrington, WA1 2DS, UK, England.
Done at Paris, December 18, 2002.
For the Minister and by delegation:
The Director of Economic Affairs
and international,
P. Schwach