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Decree Of 7 January 2003 Regulation Of Accounting For The Designation Of Secondary Authorising Officers And Their Delegates Regarding The Budget Of The Youth And School Education And Higher Education Budget

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 7 janvier 2003 portant règlement de comptabilité pour la désignation des ordonnateurs secondaires et de leurs délégués en ce qui concerne le budget de la jeunesse et de l'enseignement scolaire et le budget de l'enseignement supérieur

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2003 Page 695
Text #5

Decree of 7 January 2003 laying down the accounting rules for the designation of secondary authorising officers and their delegates with regard to the budget for youth and school education and the budget of L' higher education

NOR: MENF0203060A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Youth, National Education and Research and the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry,
In light of Decree No. 62-1587 of 29 December 1962, as amended General Regulation of Public Accounts, and in particular Articles 64, 86, 104 and 226;
Having regard to Decree No. 82-245 of 15 March 1982 concerning the creation of the Interacademic Service for the Examination and Competition of the Academies of Créteil, Paris and Versailles and the definition of the powers of its director, as amended by decrees No. 92-299 of 31 March 1992 and n ° 95-210 of 21 February 1995;
Having regard to Decree No. 82-389 of 10 May 1982 concerning the powers of the prefects and the action of the Services and public bodies in the departments, in particular Articles 15 and 17;
Having regard to Decree No. 82-390 of 10 May 1982 concerning the powers of regional prefects, the action of State authorities and public bodies in the region And the decisions of the State concerning public investment, in particular Articles 14 and 16;
Having regard to Decree No. 98-81 of 11 February 1998 amending Act No. 68-1250 of 31 December 1968 on the prescription of claims on the State, Departments, municipalities and public institutions and the decisions taken by the State in respect of the quadrennial prescription;
Given Decree No. 99-89 of 8 February 1999 for the application of Article 3 of the Decree of 11 February 1998 Above,

Article 1

1 ° The regional prefect is the secondary authorising officer of the budget for youth and school education and The budget for higher education for income and expenditure relating to the activities of the Academy's rectorships, and, as regards the income and expenditure of youth, for those relating to the activities of the regional directorates Youth and sports.
2 ° The regional prefect may delegate his signature, with regard to his competence as a secondary authorising officer:
-to the Academy Rector, within the limits of his competence.
-for the revenue and expenditure of the Youth, the Regional Director of Youth and Sports, within the limits of his competence.
He may also delegate his signature for decisions relating to the quadrennial prescription of claims on the State under conditions Fixed by the decrees of February 11, 1998 and February 8, 1999.
The above heads of service may sub-delegate their signature to one or more Category A officials under their authority.

Article 2

1 ° The prefect of department is the secondary authorising officer of the budget for youth and school education:
-for revenue and expenditure Ordinary relating to the activity of academic inspections;
-for revenue and capital expenditure relating to the activity of the departmental directorates of the equipment;
-for the revenue and expenditure of the Youth relating to the activities of the departmental youth and sports directorates.
2 ° The prefect of the department may delegate his signature, with regard to his competence as a secondary authorising officer:
-to the inspector of academy, Director of departmental services of national education, within the limits of its competences;
-for the execution of investment operations, to the departmental director of equipment, within the limits of its competences;
-for the purposes of Youth revenue and expenditure, to the Regional Director of Youth and Sports, within the limits of his or her competences.
He may also delegate his signature for decisions relating to the quadrennial prescription of Claims on the State under the conditions laid down in the decrees of 11 February 1998 and 8 February 1999 mentioned above.
The above heads of service may sub-delegate their signature to one or more Category A officials placed under their Authority.

Article 3

The prefect of the Ile-de-France region may also delegate his signature, in respect of his competence Of secondary authorising officer, the director of the inter-academic service of the examinations and competitions of the academies of Créteil, Paris and Versailles for the execution of the operations relating to the examinations and competitions entrusted to him, as well as for the Operations and investment operations of the inter-academic service.
It may also delegate its signature to decisions relating to the quadrennial prescription of claims on the State in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Decrees of 11 February 1998 and 8 February 1999.
The Director of the Interacademic Service for the Examination and Competition of the Academies of Créteil, Paris and Versailles may sub-delegate his signature to one or more Category A officials Under its authority.

Article 4

When the secondary authorising officer and the delegated secondary authorising officer do not have the same residence Administrative, revenue and expenditure operations shall be assigned to the fund of the main Treasury accounting officer of the department of administrative residence of the delegated secondary authorising officer.

Article 5

The following are repealed:
1 ° The order of 21 December 1982 amending the accounting rules for the designation of secondary authorising officers and their Delegates (capital operations);
2 ° The amended Order of 21 December 1982 amending the accounting rules for the designation of secondary authorising officers and their delegates (ordinary operations).

Article 6

The Director of Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Youth, National Education and Research and the Director General of Accounts The Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry is responsible for the application of this Order, each of which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 7, 2003.

The Minister of Youth,

of National Education and Research,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By Preventing the

Director from financial affairs:

The service manager,

M.-A. Bishop

The Minister of the Economy,

Finance and Industry,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the Director General

from public accounting:

The Inspector of Finance,


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