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Order For Admission To Retirement (Decentralized Services)

Original Language Title: Arrêté portant admission à la retraite (services déconcentrés)

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2002 Page 764
Text No. 81

Retirement Intake Order (Deconcentrated Services)

NOR: EQUP0101985A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation and Housing as of 10 December 2001, Mr. Sourisseau (Jacques), a divisional engineer of the public works of the State seconded to the functional employment of the district chief, is reinstated and admitted, on his request, to assert his right to retirement, under the Articles L. 4 (1 °) and L. 24 (I, 1 °) of the Pension Code, effective 19 March 2002.

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