Key Benefits:
By order of the Minister of the Interior dated January 2, 2002, is appointed to the The board of directors of the Higher National School of Police for qualified persons because of their competence in the field of security:
M. Ellie (Xavier), Press Editor, replacing Mr Antonmattei (Pierre), Inspector General of National Education Administration, Director of National Police Training.
In the provisions relating to the Deputy Director of Human Resources Management in the Directorate-General for Administration and Of the Public Service of the Ministry of Public Service and of the reform of the State of the Order of 16 November 2001 amending the amended Order of 18 November 1999 appointing the Administrative Board of the Higher National School of Font, the name and first name of Mr. Colonna (Bertrand) are replaced with the following names and forename:
" Mr. Colonna of Istria (Bernard). "