Key Benefits:
Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister of Public Service and Reform of the State,
Vu Order No. 45-2283 of 9 October 1945 as amended relating to the training, recruitment and status of certain categories of civil servants and establishing a Directorate of the Public Service;
In view of Act No. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 Civil servants' rights and obligations, together Act No. 84-16 of 11 January 1984 laying down statutory provisions relating to the public service of the State;
In view of Act No. 90-8 of 2 January 1990 on the creation of a third competition D' entrée à l' Ecole nationale d' administration;
Vu le decree n ° 82-819 dated 27 September 1982 amending relative aux conditions d' accès, au régime de la schooling et à l' administration de l' Ecole nationale d' administration;
Vu le decree n ° 90-709 On 1 August 1990 removing the age limits applicable to recruitment by closed competitions in the bodies of the State Civil Service;
Having regard to Decree No. 2002-49 of 10 January 2002 on the missions, the administration and the The financial regime of the Ecole Nationale d' Administration;
In view of the opinion of the Conseil supérieur de la fonction publique de l' Etat as of December 4, 2001;
The Conseil d' Etat (finance section) heard,
Access to the School National administration (ENA) is open every year:
1 ° By means of an external competition, to all candidates fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 9;
2 ° By means of a closed competition, to officials and agents Public meeting the conditions laid down in Article 15;
3 ° By way of a third competition open to candidates fulfilling the conditions laid down by the Law of 2 January 1990 above.
To be allowed to compete, candidates Must comply with the conditions laid down in Article 5 of the abovementioned Act of 13 July 1983.
may not, however, be allowed to compete with officials belonging to one of the bodies recruited by way of the ENA, nor the pupils already admitted to this School or candidates who have not previously been granted access under the conditions set out in section 49 to any of the careers to which the school prepares.
No one can compete more than three times at one of the access competitions or more than five times in the Total of all competitions.
The number of places offered in each of the three competitions defined in Article 1 is Set each year by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
The number of places offered in the external competition is equal to the total number of places available for the other two competitions.
The number of places available in the third competition is Between 5 and 10 % of the total number of places offered at the three entry competitions at the ENA in the same year.
In the light of the results of the tests, the jury of a competition may decide not to fill all the places. In this case, the chairman of the boards and the two members who are common to them may decide to postpone the unfilled seats, within the tenth of the places offered in this competition, on one or two other
. Establish, in order of merit, within the limits of the places offered by the order of the Minister in charge of the Public Service and taking into account, where appropriate, the postponement in the conditions set out above, the list of candidates admitted. This list is published in alphabetical order.
The jury may, for each of these competitions, establish, in order of merit, a supplementary list of suitable candidates for entry into the school, in the event of a vacancy resulting from resignations or deaths Would come to be on the main list of the same competition. This list shall remain valid until the date of publication of the order opening the tests for the next competition.
Arrangements for the organisation of the external competition, the closed competition and the third competition shall be fixed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service, after obtaining the opinion of the Administrative Board of the ENA
And the date of the opening of the tests shall be fixed each year by order of the minister responsible for the public service.
Prior to October 15 of the year preceding the year in which the competition was held, orders from the Minister responsible for the Public Service set out the programs of the subjects on which the competition tests are conducted.
Selection Boards are appointed each year by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service on the proposal of the Director of the ENA
Includes, in addition to the Chair:
-for the external competition, fourteen members selected from among officials, teachers and non-public officials, including at least five staff members other than teachers and not more than three Non-public figures;
-for the closed competition, fourteen members chosen from among officials, teachers and non-public officials, including at least five staff members other than teachers and not more than three Non-public figures;
-for the third competition, eight staff members, including not more than four teachers, and four non-public officials.
The President and two board members are common to the three entry competitions. The ENA.
The order provided for in the first subparagraph of this Article means the replacement of the President in the event that the President is unable to carry on his mission.
In the event of an equal sharing of votes in the deliberations of the Selection Board, The Speaker's voice is paramount.
Special Examiners may be appointed by order of the Minister in charge of the Public Service.
Correctors may be appointed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service for Participate, with the members of the jury, in the correction of the tests.
The special examiners and the proofreaders participate in the deliberations of the boards with a consultative voice for the award of marks relating to the tests they have Assessed or corrected.
At the end of the competitions, the President of each jury makes a report to the Board Administration of the ENA. This report is forwarded to the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
Successful candidates who are required to serve Are required to do so before entering school.
The appointment as a student is made by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service. Upon their entry into school, students receive remuneration.
When a candidate in a state of pregnancy is declared admitted by the jury, her appointment as a student is, if she so requests, postponed to be pronounced in the same way. Time as the students of the next promotion.
Without prejudice to the provisions currently in force, a decree In Council of State, establishes a list of the bodies to which candidates who are eligible for entry into the ENA may have access and the specific conditions to which their appointment is subject
The external competition is open to candidates under twenty-eight years of age on January 1 of the year Competition, holders of a national diploma attesting to a second round of higher education or a diploma from an institute of political studies or a diploma of the same level appearing on a list drawn up by order of the minister responsible for the Public service, on the proposal of the school board after the advice of the Minister of National Education, or having successfully completed the first year of the second cycle of higher legal or economic studies.
List of Candidates to take part in the tests of the external competition shall be fixed each year by order of the minister in charge of the public service.
The upper age limit set out in section 9 is remote or removed, if applicable, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
If a candidate screened out of the competition by decision of the Minister Has obtained either the withdrawal of this decision after the start of the tests or its contentious annulment, the age limit for the candidate is retreated from the time necessary for the number of competitions to which he will be Allowed to appear is not reduced by the decision withdrawn or cancelled.
Exceptionally, the candidates Who do not meet one of the conditions of diploma provided for in Article 9, while having received or acquired a sufficient level of training, may be authorised to take part in the competition of entry to the ENA by a committee chaired by an adviser Member of the Court of Auditors and comprising four members, including a member of higher education. The members of the Commission are appointed for a period of three years by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
This committee reviews the candidates' files. It can hear the candidates if it deems it useful.
The tests of the external competition include tests Eligibility and admission tests.
Eligibility proofs:
1 ° A composition relating to public law (duration: five hours; coefficient 4);
2 ° A composition for the economy (five hours; Coefficient 4);
3 ° A composition on the general political, economic and social evolution of the world as well as the movement of ideas from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present day, to allow an appreciation of the ability of the Candidate to express, on the proposed subject, both an analysis of facts and events and a personal and argumentative interpretation (duration: five hours; coefficient 4);
4 ° The writing of a note, from a file, allowing to verify The candidate's ability to analyse and summarising a problem and to assess the knowledge acquired in relation to the candidate, either the European Union or the social questions (duration: five hours; coefficient 4);
5 ° 1 Foreign living language test or composition, in the choice of the candidate, on any of the following subjects: business law, civil law, criminal law, economic and human geography, history, political and administrative science, Sociology, accounting and financial management of enterprises, information and communication technologies, mathematics, statistics (duration: five hours; coefficient 2). The list of languages which may be chosen by the candidates as well as the nature of the language test shall be fixed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
Admission proofs:
1 ° Three oral questions on subjects Public finances, international questions and the material which the applicant has not chosen for the fourth eligibility test, namely questions relating to the European Union or social questions (duration: thirty minutes, Preceded by ten minutes of preparation; coefficient 2 for each question) to verify the mastery of the main data and the understanding of the current major problems in each of the three domains;
2 ° A test Foreign language spoken foreign language other than that possibly chosen on the fifth eligibility test involving reading and translation of a text and a conversation; the list of languages which may be selected by the candidates Is established by order of the Minister responsible for the public service (duration: thirty minutes preceded by ten minutes of preparation; coefficient 3);
3 ° An interview to assess the candidate's personality and motivations (duration Forty-five minutes; coefficient 6);
4 ° A physical exercise test prescribed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service (coefficient 1).
Written tests are anonymous. Each is scored by two markers. At least one of the markers must be a member of the board, except for the fifth eligibility test.
Oral questions are conducted by two reviewers, at least one of whom is a member of the board. However, the language tests are marked by special examiners.
The interview is marked by the President and four other members of the jury.
The tests are marked from 0 to 20.
Each physical exercise component of the physical exercise test provided for in section 12 is marked from 0 to 20.
In the case of candidates, The exercises are different from those performed by the candidates and are assessed on a particular rating scale.
A bonus of one point per year of age beyond twenty-seven years on January 1 of the year of the competition is Added to the general total obtained by each candidate (male and female) at the end of the various exercises and before calculating the average.
Candidates declared by a special commission unfit to be tested for physical exercises, provided for in Article 12, shall be exempted from this test by decision of the President of the Selection Board. They are assigned a score equal to the average of those obtained by candidates who have been tested for physical exercises.
The closed competition is open to candidates on 1 January of the year of the competition the conditions laid down in the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Decree of 1 August 1990 referred to above, if they justify at least five years at least five years of effective services in a job as an official or agent of the State, the territorial authorities, a public institution or an official An intergovernmental organization, without reference to periods of probation or training in a school or institution that provides access to a public service employee's body or framework.
The Minister responsible for the Public Service On the admissibility of applications by officials or agents of international intergovernmental organizations after the opinion of the inter-ministerial commission provided for in Article 2 of Decree No 85-1271 of 27 November 1985 implementing the Articles 19 and 26 of the aforementioned Law of 11 January 1984.
Time spent in the national service beyond the legal term is assimilated to the aforesaid services.
The list of candidates admitted to take part in the tests of the closed competition is fixed, Each year, by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
The tests of the closed competition include: Written eligibility and admission tests.
Proof of Entitlement:
1 ° A test of public law consisting of the writing of a note, from a file, designed to test the aptitude for analysis and Legal reasoning (duration: five hours; coefficient 4);
2 ° An economic test consisting of drawing up, from a file, a note of presentation and interpretation of economic data (duration: five hours; coefficient 4) ;
3 ° A composition on the general political, economic and social evolution of the world as well as the movement of ideas from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day in order to assess the candidate's ability to express, On the proposed subject, both an analysis of facts and events and a personal and argumentative interpretation. A case is made available to the candidate (duration: five hours; coefficient 4);
4 ° The writing of a note, from a file, to verify the candidate's ability to analyse and synthesizing a problem and to assess the Acquired knowledge concerning, at the choice of the candidate, either the European Union or the social questions (duration: five hours; coefficient 4);
5 ° An examination of the professional experience consisting of the resolution of a Case set out in a file and bearing, at the option of the candidate, on one of the following subjects: management of central government and decentralised services of the State, management of local authorities, management of public establishments, Management of the education system. This test shall test the candidate's ability to analyse a practical case and its ability to propose coherent, simple and effective solutions (duration: five hours; coefficient 4).
Admission proofs:
1 ° Three Oral questions on the following subjects: international questions, public finances and subject matter which the applicant has not chosen for the fourth eligibility test, namely questions relating to the European Union or Social questions (duration: thirty minutes, preceded by ten minutes of preparation; coefficient 3 for each of the questions) allowing to check the mastery of the main data and the understanding of the major current problems in each Three domains;
2 ° An oral foreign language test involving the reading and translation of a text and a conversation; the list of languages which may be selected by the candidates shall be established by order of the Minister Responsible for the public service (duration: thirty minutes preceded by ten minutes of preparation; coefficient 3);
3 ° An interview to assess the candidate's personality and motivations (duration: forty-five minutes; coefficient 6) ;
4 ° A physical exercise test prescribed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service (coefficient 1).
Written tests are anonymous. Each is scored by two markers. At least one of the markers must be a member of the board, except for the fifth eligibility test.
Oral questions are conducted by two reviewers, at least one of whom is a member of the board. However, the language tests are marked by special examiners.
The interview is marked by the President and four other members of the jury.
The tests are marked from 0 to 20.
Each physical exercise component of the physical exercise test provided for in section 16 is marked from 0 to 20.
In the case of candidates, The exercises are different from those performed by the candidates and are assessed on a particular rating scale.
A bonus of one point per year of age beyond twenty-seven years on January 1 of the year of the competition is Added to the general total obtained by each candidate (male and female) at the end of the various exercises and before calculating the average.
Candidates declared by a special commission unfit to be tested for physical exercises, provided for in Article 16, shall be exempted from this test by decision of the chairperson of the selection board. They are assigned a score equal to the average of those obtained by candidates who have been tested for physical exercises
The third competition is open to candidates under forty years of age to July 1 of the year of the competition and, on that date, qualifying conditions As defined by the law of 2 January 1990.
The periods during which the exercise of a professional activity and that of an elective office will have been simultaneous shall be taken into account only for one of those titles
Registration file is fixed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service. This file must contain, in particular, all documents proving that the person concerned complies with the conditions laid down in Article 1 of the aforementioned Law of 2 January 1990.
The list of candidates admitted to take part in the tests of the third competition is Fixed, each year, by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
The upper age limit Section 19 is removed or removed, if any, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
If a candidate who was screened out of the competition by a decision of the Minister in charge of the Public Service obtained either the withdrawal of the Decision after the start of the tests, namely its annulment, the age limit for the applicant is reduced by the time necessary for the number of competitions to which it will be allowed to be allowed to be found not reduced by the decision Removed or cancelled.
Protests in the third competition include written tests for eligibility and tests Admission.
Proof of Entitlement:
1 ° A test of public law consisting of writing a note from a file to test the aptitude for analysis and legal reasoning (duration: five hours; Coefficient 3);
2 ° An economic test consisting of the drafting, from a file, of a note of presentation and interpretation of the economic data (duration: five hours; coefficient 3);
3 ° A composition relating to The general political, economic and social evolution of the world, as well as the movement of ideas from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day, to allow an appreciation of the candidate's ability to express, on the proposed topic, both Analysis of facts and events as a personal and argumentative interpretation. A case is made available to the candidates (duration: five hours; coefficient 3);
4 ° The writing of a note, from a file, allowing verification of the candidate's ability to analyse and summarising a problem and to assess The knowledge acquired concerning, at the choice of the candidate, either the European Union or the social questions (duration: five hours; coefficient 3);
5 ° An examination of the professional experience of the resolution A case set out in a file and bearing, at the option of the candidate, on one of the following subjects: sociology of organisations, management of enterprises, management of local authorities and their public institutions, social relations. This test shall test the candidate's ability to analyse a practical case and its ability to propose coherent, simple and effective solutions (duration: five hours; coefficient 3).
Admission proofs:
1 ° Two Oral questions on the following subjects: international questions and subject matter which the applicant has not chosen for the fourth eligibility test, namely questions relating to the European Union or social issues (duration: thirty minutes, preceded by ten minutes of preparation; coefficient 3 for each of the questions) allowing to check the mastery of the main data and the understanding of the major current problems in each of the two domains ;
2 ° An oral foreign language test involving the reading and translation of a text and a conversation; the list of languages which may be selected by the candidates shall be established by order of the Minister responsible for the Public service (duration: thirty minutes, preceded by ten minutes of preparation; coefficient 3);
3 ° An interview to assess the candidate's personality and motivations (duration: forty-five minutes; coefficient 6);
4 ° 1 Optional physical exercise test, the terms of which are fixed by order of the minister in charge of the public service (coefficient 1; only the points above average are taken into account).
Written tests are anonymous. Each is scored by two markers. At least one of the markers must be a member of the jury.
Oral questions by a special examiner are marked at the same time by a member of the selection board, except for the second admission test which is marked by two Special examiners; the third admission test is noted by the President and four members of the jury.
The tests are rated from 0 to 20
A direct preparation for the external competition, financed by the ENA, is In order to ensure, as far as possible, equality of opportunity between candidates irrespective of their place of residence, in higher education institutions or public centres established for that purpose, by Agreement with the principal of the school.
The conditions for access to this preparation are fixed by order of the minister responsible for the public service
Before entering the closed competition, candidates may be admitted to a pre-arranged cycle under conditions Below.
Candidates for access to the preparatory cycle must meet the seniority requirements of the Section 15 services. They are divided into two categories: the first includes candidates with a higher education diploma, the list of which is fixed by the order of the minister in charge of the public service; the second includes non-incumbent candidates. The
for access to the preparatory cycle shall be open to candidates who, at the end of the preparatory cycle, will be in a position to comply with the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 2 of the decree of 1 August 1990 above.
Candidates must be in office on the closing date of the entries and remain until they enter the preparatory cycle.
The list of candidates admitted to the cycle access tests Shall be fixed by order of the Minister responsible for the public service.
The tests for access to the cycle Preparatory process includes:
Evidence of eligibility:
1 ° The four-hour preparation of a summary of a text or a summary note on a file (coefficient 2);
2 ° The three-hour writing of a discussion on a question Political, economic, social or international news. The candidates have for this test the choice between four subjects (coefficient 2).
Admission evidence:
A thirty-minute conversation with the board to detect the intelligence that the candidate has of his or her duties The board has the candidate's file (coefficient 3).
No one can Submit more than three times the access events to the preparatory cycle.
The arrangements for the organization of these tests shall be determined by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service after the opinion of the school board of
. Events are organised each year. The conditions of entry to the tests and the dates on which they take place shall be fixed by order of the Minister responsible for the public service.
It consists of a jury for each of the two categories of candidates provided for in section 25.
In addition to a common president, they each include:
-two officials;
-two members of staff Teachers, including a faculty member of higher education and a faculty member of secondary education; and
-two members selected on the basis of one more person per organization on the lists of two Figures presented by the trade unions represented at the Conseil supérieur de la fonction publique de l' Etat.
At least half of the members of the boards must carry on business and reside outside the Ile-de-France
. Members of the two boards shall be appointed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service, on the proposal of the principal of the school.
This Order designates the member of the boards who may replace the President in the event that he or she is in the The inability to carry out its mission.
In the event of an equal sharing of votes in the deliberations of juries, the voice of the Chairperson is paramount.
Correctors are appointed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service for Participate with the members of each jury in the correction of the tests. They participate in the deliberations of juries with a consultative voice for the assignment of notes to the tests they have corrected.
Written tests are anonymous. Each composition is corrected by two markers, at least one member of the board. Conversation test is noted by the chairperson and board members.
A minister responsible for the function Shall determine each year the number of places offered for the preparatory cycle under each of the two categories provided for in Article 25. The total number of places offered shall be at least three times and not more than six times that of the places offered at the previous session of the closed competition at the National School of Administration by the order of the Minister responsible for Public service provided for in Article 2.
At the end of these tests, each of the two panels shall establish, in alphabetical order, within the limits of the places offered, the list of candidates admitted to the preparatory cycle in each of the two categories. Where appropriate, it may decide to increase the number of candidates admitted, within the limit of 10 % of that number, the number of places left vacant at the end of the results of the other category or the cycle of preparation in the third competition
May draw up a supplementary list, in order of merit, containing the names of candidates who may be admitted to the preparatory cycle in the event of a vacancy arising from resignations or deaths.
An order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service, taken on the proposal of the boards referred to in Article 28, pronounced the admission Candidates as a trainee in the preparatory cycle of the Ecole Nationale d' Administration and fixed for each of them the maximum duration of their period of study.
For candidates admitted under the first category set out in Article 25 The duration of the studies in the preparatory cycle shall be fixed at one or two years, provided that the persons concerned are able to meet the conditions of age provided for in Article 15
Shall be fixed, having regard to their level of training and the results obtained in the tests provided for in Article 26, to two or exceptionally three years, provided that the persons concerned are able to meet the conditions of age laid down in the Article 15.
On the proposal of the authorities with the pedagogical responsibility of the preparation centre concerned, the Minister responsible for the public service may terminate the period of study of any trainee in the preparatory cycle at the end of Each year of education in this cycle. This decision, taken by order, shall be notified to the person concerned at least one month before the close of the academic year in question.
The persons concerned shall be seconded as trainees in the preparatory cycle if they are holders of the ; if they are not holders, they shall be placed on leave in their home administration and assigned as a trainee in the preparatory cycle of the Ecole Nationale d' Administration. Both are supported by the school; their financial situation is regulated by Order in Council.
Interns The preparatory cycle is required to run in the closed competition at the end of their period of study. They may present themselves in this competition during this period provided that they meet the conditions set out in section 15.
No one may renew his or her period of study in the preparatory cycle.
The expenses of the preparatory cycle are supported by the ENA. This cycle is organized in higher education institutions or in existing or established centres by convention with the school principal.
Education followed in the preparatory cycle may be sanctioned by a certificate issued by the Director of the National School of Administration, on the proposal of the authorities having the Pedagogical direction of the preparation centres. The conditions for obtaining such a certificate shall be specified by order of the minister in charge of the public service.
A decree of the Council of State lays down the conditions under which the holders of this certificate may present themselves to certain Competition for access to bodies classified as category A of the public service
Before submitting to the competition set up in Article 1 of the Act of 2 January 1990, candidates may be admitted to a preparation cycle organised under the conditions laid down in this Chapter
This preparation cycle takes the form, at the choice of the candidate, of a full-time oral preparation, either evening courses or intensive courses.
The duration of the preparation cycle shall be one year for candidates with a diploma in higher education whose list is fixed by order of the Minister in charge of the Public Service and, according to their choice, One or two years for candidates who do not hold one of these diplomas.
In the event of illness, accident or maternity, the duration of the preparation cycle may be increased by one year by decision of the minister responsible for the public service taken After the opinion of the ENA Medical Committee.
Candidates for the test of access to the preparation cycle must complete 1 July preceding the start date of this cycle, the conditions laid down in Article 1 of the aforementioned Act of 2 January 1990 and the conditions laid down in Article 5 of the abovementioned Act of 13 July
. Meet the age requirement laid down in Article 19 for the competition to which the cycle prepares.
Participation in the preparation cycle is not considered to be a professional activity within the meaning of Article 1 of the Act of 2 January 1990 The
shall send to the Director of the ENA a file whose composition shall be fixed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
The list of candidates admitted to take part in the access test in the preparation cycle shall be Fixed by order of the Minister responsible for the public service.
A jury, whose members are appointed each year by The Minister responsible for the Public Service, on a proposal from the Director of the ENA, shall select the candidates to follow the preparation cycle referred to in Article 34.
This panel shall comprise a President and four members who are Two officials, one at least one chosen in one of the bodies recruited by the ENA road, and two personalities who do not have the quality of staff chosen because of their professional experience.
The order provided for in the first paragraph of the This Article designates the replacement of the President in the event that the President is unable to carry out his or her task.
In the event of an equal sharing of votes in the deliberations of the Selection Board, the Chairman's voice shall be
. May be appointed by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service on the proposal of the Director of the ENA to participate with the members of the Board in the assessment of the written composition set out in section 38.
The selection test includes:
A four-hour composition on a political current topic, Economic, social or international. This composition is anonymous; it is marked by two markers, at least one member of the jury.
A twenty-minute interview with the members of the selection board having as its starting point a file composed by the candidate on Its professional activities.
At the end of the selection process, the selection board shall establish, in alphabetical order, within the limits of the places offered, the list of candidates admitted to the preparation cycle. Where appropriate, it may decide to increase the number of candidates admitted, within the limit of 10 % of that number, of the number of places left vacant after the results of the two categories of the preparatory cycle in the closed
. Establish a complementary list in order of merit, including the names of candidates who are likely to be admitted to the preparation cycle in the event that vacancies arise as a result of resignations or deaths.
No one can Have more than twice the access to the preparation cycle.
The organisational arrangements for this Selection shall be determined by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service.
An order of the Minister responsible for Fixed public service, each year, the dates of selection, the conditions of registration and the number of places offered in the preparation cycle.
This number is at least twice and more than six times the number of places available to the public. Previous session of the third entry competition at the ENA.
An order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service, taken On the proposal of the selection board referred to in Article 37, shall declare the admission of candidates to the preparation cycle and fix the maximum duration of their period of study for each of
. Employees are seconded as trainees in the preparation cycle. In the same case, non-state agents shall be taken on leave in their home administration and assigned as an intern in the ENA preparation cycle.
Trainees in the preparation cycle are required to submit to the third entry competition at the ENA at the end of their study
. In the second paragraph of Article 35, no one shall renew his period of study in the preparation cycle.
The Candidates who have diligently and effectively followed the preparation cycle receive a certificate issued by the director of the ENA on the proposal of the authorities with the pedagogical leadership of the centres of preparation.
This certificate allows the Candidates who have failed the entry contest of the ENA to run in the competitions referred to in Article 2 of the aforementioned Law of 2 January 1990.
Preparation cycle expenses are supported by the ENA. This cycle is organised in higher education institutions as well as in existing centres or established by convention in schools with such institutions and centres
Education at the National School of Administration Twenty-four months. It may be extended to twenty-seven months by order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service after the advice of the board of directors. This order must be made before the start of the education.
Education includes internships and studies. It begins with an orientation and balance sheet. Subsequent to the career choice, an adjustment training course is provided.
It is sanctioned by a ranking.
Internships take place in administrations, companies or organizations of general interest, in France or abroad, according to the terms defined by the principal of the school
Outside the school, designated by the principal of the school, and the director of the traineeships assign each student an internship note. The board bases its assessment on the fact sheets drawn up by the traineeships, the information gathered during the traineeship visits and the reading of the probationary reports. Before finalizing his decision, he auditioned each student; the assistant director of the traineeships took part in the hearing.
The arrangements for the organisation of studies are defined by the rules of procedure of the school.
The lessons learned during the course of the studies are the subject of a notation which may include notes of work and proofs of Classification.
The work notes shall be adopted, as provided for in the rules of procedure, by the principal of the school, taking into account the proposals made by the masters of conferences.
The number of classification tests, The nature, programme and the coefficient of each of them shall be fixed by the rules of procedure.
To assess the value of such tests, it shall be established by the principal of the school one or more juries comprising a President and two or more Four members, unless the nature of the tests justifies a higher number of members.
Special Examiners may be appointed by the Principal of the School to assess certain tests.
With the exception of Notes provided for in the third paragraph of this Article, no master of conferences of the promotion to which the pupils concerned belong and of the previous promotion shall be a member of a jury or examiner.
A general classification of students is based on the total points obtained by each of them from the following:
Internship Note
Study Notes
If Two or more students have the same total points in the general classification, the student with the highest grade is ranked first.
If need is, in the case of new equality, sharing is done on the basis of the total marks
the procedures provided for in the two preceding paragraphs lead to a new level of equality, the decision to share shall be taken by a committee. This committee shall be composed of the chairmen of three of the panels provided for in Article 47 and chosen by the President of the school. This commission shall decide on the record of each of the pupils concerned, if any, after hearing them.
In Where the director of the school finds that the results obtained by a pupil are insufficient, he may, after consulting the board of directors, take the case of the pupil to the minister in charge of the public service, who may decide whether the pupil Is required to re-perform the education portion of the education, either that it can be proposed for appointment to the Central Administrative Attachments, or that it is definitively excluded from education.
At least six months before the end of the education, the Prime Minister determines by order the positions offered to students of the promotion in each of the bodies recruited through the school
Their choice between the positions offered in the order in which they were ranked. Entry into the diplomatic corps and in the body of economic expansion abroad is subject to the practice of two living languages sanctioned by hardships prescribed by the rules of
. Assigned in the order of their classification in the body of their choice by an order of the Minister responsible for the Public Service, provided that they have signed the undertaking to serve on their appointment for at least ten years:
1. In a body recruited through the National School of Administration;
2. For former pupils who have not been appointed to the bodies of the administrators of the City of Paris:
(a) On secondment within the meaning of 1 °, 2 °, 3 °, 6 °, 7 °, 8 °, 10 °, 11 °, 12 ° and 13 ° of Article 14 of Decree No 85-986 of 16 September 1985 The special scheme of certain positions of officials of the State and certain arrangements for permanent termination of office;
(b) In service seconded within the meaning of 4 °, 5 ° and 9 ° of Article 14 mentioned above when these services are carried out To an administration of the State, a public institution of the State, a public undertaking in the non-competitive sector, an organization of an associative character providing for missions of general interest or a public interest group;
3. For former pupils appointed in the body of the administrators of the city of Paris:
a) In service seconded within the meaning of 1 °, 2 °, 4 °, 7 °, 8 °, 9 °, 10 °, 13 °, 14 °, 15 °, 16 °, 17 °, 18 ° and 19 ° of Article 2 of Decree No 86-68 of 13 January 1986 The secondment, non-framework, availability and parental leave positions of territorial officials;
(b) In service seconded within the meaning of 3 °, 6 ° and 11 ° of Article 2, cited above where such services are carried out with a business of the Non-competitive public sector, an associative body providing missions of general interest or a public interest group.
When a pupil is forced to renew all or part of his or her education for reasons of health or force majeure, the notes attributed to him during the renewal period shall be substituted for the notes Corresponding previously obtained in the corresponding period of schooling.
The student who, for any reason, That is, does not complete his or her education or does not sign the undertaking provided for in Article 50 may be refused the quality of former pupil of the National School of Administration by decision of the principal of the school after notice of the advice of the Board Administration.
In the cases provided for in Article 52, the pupil shall reimburse the amount of the salaries and allowances That he received during his or her education. It may be waived in whole or in part by the order of the Minister responsible for the public service, taken on the proposal of the principal of the school and after consulting the board of directors of the school. The student at whose education it is terminated because of physical inaptitude is waived in full.
As part of its permanent training mission, the school provides, in particular, the one provided for in the last paragraph of Article 7 of Decree No. 99-945 of 16 November 1999 on status The body of civil administrators.
In addition, at the request of the administrations, the school shall exercise all Training measures for French civil servants, in particular those relating to the taking of new responsibilities.
The school provides ongoing training for foreign auditors, under the conditions defined in V.
Foreign nationals may be allowed to attend school and development sessions, upon presentation by the French Government after, Where appropriate, agreement of the authority to which they are responsible.
Except as proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, no foreign official may take any training or development action without the authorisation of his or her Administration.
The conditions for admission of foreign auditors and pupils are laid down in the rules of procedure.
Training actions for foreign auditors may include cycles of different durations, study sessions and seminars whose nature, organisation, content and evaluation are defined by the Regulation
These actions may be, in whole or in part, shared with the training courses for French civil servants organised by the school.
An international diploma in public administration attesting to the cycles of a Period of at least three months can be issued to foreign auditors.
In the context of an international cycle Long, foreign nationals may, as foreign pupils, share, as far as possible, the education of a promotion of pupils from the three entry competitions at the ENA. They pass tests identical to those passed by French students. An international diploma in public administration can sanction the results obtained in these tests
The orders of the Minister responsible for the public service provided for in Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35 (1st paragraph), 37, 39, 40, 41 and 50 shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Titles Ier, II and IV of the Decree of 27 September 1982 and Decree No. 90-616 of 13 July 1990 amended implementing Act No. 90-8 of 2 January 1990 on the creation of a third entry competition at the Ecole Nationale d' Administration are repealed.
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Public Service and State Reform and the Secretary of State for Budget shall each be responsible for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic
Done at Paris, January 10, 2002.
Lionel Jospin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Laurent Fabius
The Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Hubert Vedrine
The Minister of the Public Service
and state reform,
Michel Sapin
La Secretary of State for Budget,
Florence Parly