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Decree Of January 3, 2007 On The Appointment Of Commissioners To The Government Before The National Court Of The Pricing Health And Social

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 3 janvier 2007 portant nomination de commissaires du Gouvernement près la Cour nationale de la tarification sanitaire et sociale

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JORF No. 9 of 11 January 2007 Page 733
Text No. 64

Order of 3 January 2007 appointing Government Commissioners to the National Court of Health and Social Pricing

NOR: JUSA0600432A ELI: Not available

By order of the Vice President of the Council of State dated 3 January 2007, Mrs. Eliane Chemla, Mr Jean-Philippe Thiellay and Mr Jérôme Michel, masters of requests to the Council of State, are appointed to serve as Commissioner of the Government near the National Court of Health and Social Pricing.

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