Key Benefits:
By order of the Minister of Economy, Finance, and The industry as of 3 January 2007 is authorised for the year 2007 the opening of external and internal competitions on securities for recruitment in the body of social service assistants to the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry.
The number of positions offered is set to 3, divided as follows:
-external competition: 2 positions;
-closed competition: 1 position.
The positions are assigned in the departments according to the following breakdown:
Haute-Marne (52): 1 position located at Chaumont;
Meuse (55): 1 position located in Bar-le-Duc;
Moselle (57): 1 position located in Sarreguemines.
The end date for the entry of pre-registration on the internet or the departmental intranet (postmark) or withdrawal of registration files to the Competition Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry is scheduled for Thursday, 8 February 2007, up to 6 p.m., time limit.
End Date of Confirmation of registration on the internet or the departmental intranet, the deadline for sending (the postmark) or the filing of registration files in the competition sector of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry is Scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2007 up to 6 p.m., time limit
Applications for registration must be made on the forms issued for this purpose by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry. Any file filed or mailed out of time cannot be taken into consideration. The internal shipment, inter alia, will not be accepted.
Applicants must provide, at the same time as the application for registration, a mandatory file:
-a copy of the titles and diplomas acquired;
-a curriculum Imperatively limited to one page;
-a note of up to three pages describing the jobs they were able to fill, the internships they completed, and the nature of the activities and activities they took or participated in.
Note. -For all information, and in particular to remove a registration file:
Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, Directorate of Personnel and Adaptation of the Professional Environment (Office 1C, Competition, Building Necker, room 7215 R), 120, rue de Bercy, 75572 Paris Cedex 12 (mel:, telephone: 01-53-18-75-02).
On the internet:, topic " You are an individual "in practice" Competition and trades MINEFI "," Register for a competition "," Registration form for competitions or examinations organised by DPAEP "," Access to registration ".