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Notice Of The Extension Of A Professional National Agreement In The Sector Of Private Off Contract Education

Original Language Title: Avis relatif à l'extension d'un accord national professionnel conclu dans le secteur de l'enseignement privé hors contrat

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JORF No. 9 of 12 January 2005 Page 526
Text No. 84

Notice with respect to a professional national agreement in the non-contract private education sector

NOR: SOCT0412595V ELI: Not available

Pursuant to Article L. 133-8 of the Labour Code, the Minister of Employment, of the Work and social cohesion envisages taking an order to make the provisions of the following agreement compulsory for all employers and employees falling within its scope.
The text of this agreement Has been deposited in the departmental directorate of labour, employment and vocational training at the place of its conclusion, where it can be read.
Within 15 days, professional organisations and all Interested persons are asked to provide their comments and opinions on the proposed generalisation.
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion (DRT, NC 1), 39-43, quai André-Citroën, 75902 Paris Cedex 15.
Agreement whose extension is envisaged:
Agreement of 17 November 2004 on the day of solidarity.
Departmental Directorate for Labour, Employment and Training
Solidarity Day.
Enter into the scope of the agreement all non-contract private educational institutions located within the national territory, including:
- The private educational establishments of the first and second degree under the Act of 15 March 1850 (known as the Fallujah Act) and the law of 30 October 1886 which are not related to the State by contract entered into under the law of 31 December 1959 As well as their departments of vocational training to the extent that the latter is a minority activity;
-private educational institutions which are governed by the Act of 25 July 1919 (known as the Astier Act) IV of the Code of Technical Education and which are not related to the State by contract concluded in the framework of the law of 31 December 1959 as amended, including their departments of vocational training insofar as this measure is a minority ;
-the general, professional or scientific higher education establishments governed by the Act of 12 July 1875 or the Act of 25 July 1919, including their departments of vocational training insofar as this Last is a minority;
-educational institutions governed by private law and established at the initiative of chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of agriculture and chambers of commerce and implementing lessons learned Under the laws above.
Excluded from the scope of the agreement are:
-training bodies governed by the law of 16 July 1971;
-distance private educational institutions governed by the law of 12 July 1971 ;
-esthetic-esthetic schools covered by the National Aesthetic Perfume Convention;
-companies primarily engaged in providing home-specific courses that do not fall within the scope of the above legislation ;
-the Catholic institutes of Lille, Lyon, Paris and Toulouse as well as the Catholic University of the West;
-schools or institutes of higher education and private research, including those of the non-profit FESIC, of which The main activity is the preparation of a bachelor's level degree + 4 or beyond authorised by the engineering committee or referred to by the minister responsible for higher education and whose permanent teachers are generally As well as the secondary institutions of higher education which are attached to them, insofar as they share with them part of their teaching staff, are also non-profit-making and provided that their Core activity is the preparation of a minimum diploma level + 4.
The private educational institutions covered by the agreement are the following NAF codes: 801 Z, 802 A, 802 C, 803 Z and 804 D.
Federation French private education (FEP);
Fédération nationale de l' enseignement privé secular (FNEPL);
Trade union organizations interested in the CFTC, CGT and CFE-CGC.

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