Key Benefits:
The Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Given the code of education, in particular Articles L. 452-1 to L. 452-10;
In view of Decree No. 2003-1288 of 23 December 2003 concerning The administrative, budgetary and accounting organisation of the Agency for French Education Abroad and amending Decree n ° 76-832 of 24 August 1976 on the financial organisation of certain institutions or broadcasting organisations Cultural and teaching dependent on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular Article 3,
Personnel Representatives The Board of Directors of the Agency for French Education Abroad shall be appointed by the trade unions represented on the Joint Technical Committee of the Public Institution.
The seats allocated to each organisation To determine the number of seats allocated to the various trade union organisations to the Technical Committee, in proportion to the number of votes they received during the last consultation of the organised staff. The Agency's central parity for French education abroad. The remaining seats to be filled are distributed according to the highest average rule.
An order from the Minister for Foreign Affairs shall draw up a list of trade unions capable of designating representatives and determine the number of seats allocated to them.
The trade unions shall have a period of 15 days from the date of the Publication of the order mentioned in the preceding paragraph to inform the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Directorate-General for Administration) of the names of their representatives.
Staff representatives on the Board of Directors of the Agency for French Education Abroad shall be selected from among the staff employed by this public institution or
a trade union organization has three or more seats on the board of directors, at least one of its representatives shall be selected from among the officers in service in the central services of the Agency and at least one Must be selected from among the agents serving abroad.
Members appointed on a proposal from an organization A trade union shall cease to be a member of the Administrative Board if the organisation which they represent makes the request, in writing, to the Chairman of the Management Board, who shall immediately inform the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The termination of the duties shall be effective one month after the receipt of the above request.
The term of office of staff representatives shall be terminated if they cease to fulfil the conditions referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3
With one of the disabilities provided for in Articles L. 5 to L. 7 of the Election Code shall cease to be a part of the Administrative Council when the decision declaring that incapacity has become final.
Representatives of staff who have ceased to exercise their mandate either by resignation or on one of the grounds mentioned in Article 4 shall be replaced in the Conditions laid down in Articles 1 to 3.
Representatives of associations of parents of students of French education abroad to the Board of Directors of the Agency for French education abroad shall be designated by these federations from parents who have or have had children in the schools referred to in Articles L. 452-3 and L. 452-4 of the Education Code.
A seat is assigned to each of the most representative federations.
The order referred to in section 2 establishes the List of associations of associations of parents of pupils of French education abroad who are capable of designating representatives.
These federations have a period of fifteen days from the publication of the order referred to in the paragraph Prior to making known to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Directorate-General for Administration) the names of their representatives.
Members appointed on the proposal of a federation of parents' associations cease to be a member of the Board of Directors if the nominating federation makes the request in writing to the President of the Board of Directors, who immediately informs the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The termination of the duties shall be effective one month after the receipt of the application.
Members who are disabled under Articles L. 5 to L. 7 of the Election Code shall cease to be a member of the Administrative Board as soon as Decision pronouncing this incapacity has become final.
Representatives of associations of parents Pupils who have ceased to exercise their mandate, either by resignation or on one of the grounds mentioned in Article 8, shall be replaced under the conditions laid down in Articles 6 and 7
The order of 12 December 1990 concerning the appointment of staff representatives to the Board of Directors of The Agency for French Education Abroad and the Order of 13 December 1990 designating the federations of associations of parents of pupils of French education abroad represented on the Administrative Board of the Agency for French education abroad is being repealed.
The Director General of Administration and the Director of The Agency for French Education Abroad shall be responsible for the execution of this Order, each of which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic
Done at Paris, December 27, 2004.
For the Minister and by delegation:
The Director General of Administration,