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Decree Of 25 October 2002 On The Application Of The Words "death By Deportation" On Declarative Acts And Judgments Of Death

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 25 octobre 2002 portant apposition de la mention « Mort en déportation » sur les actes et jugements déclaratifs de décès

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JORF No. 9 of 11 January 2003 Page 661
Text No. 50

Order of 25 October 2002 marked " Death in Deportation " On declarations of death and declarations of death

NOR: DEFS0202407A ELI: Not available

By order of the Secretary of State for Veterans dated 25 October 2002, The statement " Death in Deportation " Is affixed to the declarations of death of:
Francia (Lucien, Albert), born 26 March 1923 in Lille (North), died on 10 October 1944 in Brieg, Germany.
Paris (Camille, Joseph), born 20 March 1915 at Longwy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), died on 22 October 1944 in Flössenburg (Germany).
Sevin (Honorat, Louis, Joseph), born July 6, 1927 in Paris (10th) (Seine), who died on 9 March 1945 in Bergen-Belsen (Germany).
Shay, née Krantz (Denise) on 13 November 1911 at Vincennes (Seine), who died on 12 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Shay (Robert, André, Pierre), born 15 April 1943 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 12 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland)
14 April 1885 in Salonika (Greece), who died on 27 March 1943 in Lublin (Poland).
Siam (Moses), born 2 September 1914 in Salonika (Greece), died on 30 March 1943 in Lublin (Poland).
Siam, née Sarfati (Rachel), 7 October 1887 in Thessaloniki, Greece, Died on 27 March 1943 in Lublin (Poland).
Sibaud (Pierre, Louis, Claude), born December 17, 1901 in Paris (18e) (Seine), who died on 23 February 1945 in Dachau (Germany).
Sibi (Joseph), born 10 March 1902 in Oued Zenati (Algeria), who died 15 March 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Sibien, née Tattet (Henriette, Renée, Suzanne) on 27 January 1891 in Paris (8th) (Seine), died on 3 December 1943 in Gommern (Germany).
Siejek (Casimir), born 23 February 1918 in Recklinghausen, Germany, Died at the end of June 1944 in Weimar-Buchenwald (Germany).
Silberberg (Abraham, Mayer), born 6 February 1902 in Bendzin (Poland), who died on 21 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silberberg (Berek), born 1902 in Krzeszow (Poland), who died on 25 July 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silberberg (Gustave), born 27 February 1900 in Rawa (Poland), who died on 31 August 1943 in Cologne (Germany).
Silberberg (Jacob), born 27 August 1923 in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 7 October 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silberberg, née Goysembaud (Reisa) in 1885 in Khersau (Russia), who died on 16 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silberman, née Burstein (Bluma) on 9 March 1874 in Lasice (Russia), died on 11 November 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silberman (David), born 12 October 1912 in Paris (11th) (Seine), who died on 10 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silberman (Izak), born 29 May 1888 in Wisnicz Nowy (Poland), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland)
Silberman (Josef), born 12 August 1879 in Odessa, Russia, died on 11 November 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silbermann (David), born 27 November 1911 in Odessa, Russia, who died on 27 June 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silva, née Naxara (Judith Suzanne) on 21 June 1875 in Bordeaux (Gironde), who died on 25 January 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silvera (Jacqueline, Rachel), born on 1 August 1932 in Paris (4th) (Seine), died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silverstone, née Friedmann (Marie) May 15, 1877 in Deneuvick (Romania), who died on 18 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silvestre (Pierre, Joseph, Alexis), born 10 May 1920 in Saint-Quay-Portrieux (Côtes-du-Nord), who died on 21 November 1944 in Gross-Rosen (Poland)
Silvestri (Félix, Georges), born November 1, 1922 in Saint-Claude (Jura), died 1944 in Germany.
Silvestri (Jean), born June 20, 1926 in Saint-Claude (Jura), who died in 1944 in Germany.
Silz (André, Richard), born May 21, 1923 In Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), who died on 16 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silz, née Cassin (Germaine, Emilie) on 7 June 1894 in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), who died on 16 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silz (Hilaire, Gérard), born 22 June 1930 In Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), who died on 16 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Silz (Robert, Raymond), born 6 March 1894 in Paris (9th) (Seine), who died on 16 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simenhaus (Heszel), born 8 May 1887 in Warsaw (Poland), who died on 5 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simeone (Humbert), born 21 August 1903 in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), died on 19 September 1943 in Oranienburg, Germany.
Simien (René, Louis, Eugène), born 20 February 1922 in Tullins (Isère), died at the end of April 1945 in Lübeck (Germany).
Simier (Alexandre, Albert), born 22 June 1891 in Villedieu-le-Château (Loir-et-Cher), who died on 23 December 1943 in Dora,
. (Cher), died on 16 October 1943 in Weimar-Buchenwald (Germany).
Simkhovitch (Machek), born in 1891 in Stoczik (Poland), who died on 11 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simkovich (Alexandre, Georges), born 22 November 1909 in Youszowska (Russia), died on 11 March 1945 in Ebensee (Austria).
Simminger (Paul), born 18 November 1911 in Luxembourg (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg), who died on 30 July 1943 in Germany.
Simmonds (Otto, Jules), born 18 May 1884 in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), who died on 31 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simmonds (Steffen), born 11 March 1922 in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), died on 25 April 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simo (Jesus), born 20 March 1909 at Bell Lloch (Spain), Died on 27 October 1944 in Flössenburg (Germany).
Simoen (René, Camille), born 31 October 1899 in La Madeleine (Nord), who died on 17 December 1942 in Mauthausen (Austria).
Simon (Albert, Emmanuel, Gabriel, Marie), born 3 July 1890 in Brest (Finistère), who died on 1 May 1945 in deportation to Germany.
Simon (Alfred, Henri), born 1 January 1901 in Saint-Dié (Vosges), died (without further information) in Germany.
Simon, née Braun (Alice) April 7, 1909 in Ingwiller (Bas-Rhin), died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Andrée, Marcelline), born on 26 August 1921 in Trondes (Meurthe-et-Moselle), died on 6 April 1945 in Ravensbrück (Germany).
Simon (Armand), born 26 May 1887 in Diemeringen (Bas-Rhin), died on 4 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Bernard), born 28 October 1870 in Sarre-Union (Bas-Rhin), died on 25 January 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon, née Bollack (Céline) on 21 November 1893 in Wintzenheim (Haut-Rhin), Deceased on 4 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Charles), born 28 January 1875 in Paris (3rd) (Seine), who died on 5 August 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Edgard, Samuel), born 4 July 1920 in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), who died in the current From August 1944 to Buchenwald (Germany).
Simon (Emile, Elias), born July 16, 1855 at Montauban (Ille-et-Vilaine), who died on December 30, 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Emile, Maurice), born July 5, 1909 in Reims (Marne), who died on 2 September. February 1944 in Mauthausen (Austria).
Simon (Eugénie, Félicité, Louise, Amélie), born on 15 November 1891 in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), died on 22 January 1945 in Ravensbrück (Germany).
Simon, née Sternberg (Flore, Camille) on 23 November 1882 in Paris (10th) (Seine), who died on 23 November 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (François, Henri, Pierre, Emile), born 11 September 1892 in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), who died on 15 August 1944 in Mauthausen (Austria)
Vincent), born 31 October 1919 in Yenne (Savoie), died on 28 March 1945 in Weimar (Germany).
Simon, née Cerf (Françoise) on 18 October 1863 in Lyon (Rhône), died on 30 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Frédéric), born 7 July 1903 in Moussey (Vosges), who died on 25 January 1945 in Dachau (Germany).
Simon (Gabrielle, Claire), born 26 October 1908 in Diemeringen (Bas-Rhin), died in April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Gaston, Roger), born 19 August 1922 at Crévic (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 9 January 1943 in Wittlich (Germany).
Simon, née Levy (Germaine) September 30, 1897 in Paris (11th) (Seine), who died on 15 July 1944 in Birkenau (Poland).
Simon (Hélène), born 12 March 1939 to Puttelange-lès-Farschviller (Moselle), who died on 18 July 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Irene), born 24 October 1928 in Sarreguemines (Moselle), who died on 4 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Jacob), born 8 December 1912 in Paris (3rd) (Seine), who died on 30 March 1943 in Lublin-Maïdanek (Poland).
Simon (Jean, Marius, Raymond), born on 11 October 1921 in Saint-Vincent-du-Boulay (Eure), died on 24 February 1945 in Güsen-Kommando de Mauthausen (Germany).
Simon (Jean, Armand, Louis), born 28 January 1874 in Elbeuf (Seine-Infterior), died on 18 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Jean, Marie), born 16 January 1920 in Paris (14e) (Seine), who died on 28 December 1944 in Dachau (Germany)
April 10, 1912 at Brest (Finistère), died on 13 July 1944 in Flössenburg (Germany).
Simon, née Lefi (Jeanne) on 22 April 1875 in Nantes (Loire-Infterior), died on 26 September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Joseph, Christian), born on 1 July 1917 at Freyming (Moselle), who died on 21 April 1945 in Schönberg (Germany).
Simon (Josette), born August 12, 1942 in Digne (Basses-Alpes), died April 18, 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Jules, Etienne), born July 3, 1914 at Metz (Moselle), who died on 16 October 1944 in Güsen (Austria).
Simon (Julien), born 5 September 1903 in Puttelange-lès-Farschviller (Moselle), died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Léon, Paul, Louis), born May 12, 1884 at Montceau-les-Mines (Saône-et-Loire), who died on 26 December 1944 in Dachau (Germany).
Simon, née Levy (Lina) on 5 February 1865 at Niedernai (Bas-Rhin), died April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Londin), born April 12, 1868 at Diemeringen (Bas-Rhin), who died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Simon (Louis), born 11 March 1898 in Périgueux (Dordogne), who died on 7 March 1945 in Weimar (Germany).
Simon (Louis), born 1 March 1904 in the Creusot (Saône-et-Loire), deceased May 25, 1945, in Rothenburg, Germany.
Simon (Lucien), born September 10, 1917 in Nouziers (Creuse), died March 18, 1944 in Buchenwald, Germany.
Soutumier (John, Paul), born June 23, 1921 in Paris (14e) (Seine), who died on January 3, 1945 at Gross-Rosen (Germany).
Vorms (Gérard, Gabriel), born 28 February 1891 in Paris (10th) (Seine), died on 8 May 1945 in Germany.
Wolber, née Sax-Amster (Pauline) on 12 July 1897 in Zurich (Switzerland), died (without further information).
Wolczuk (Edouard), born on 8 April 1925 at the Creusot (Saône-et-Loire), died (without further information).
Wolfer (Antoine, Simon), born 28 October 1908 in Senones (Vosges), who died on 5 March 1945 in Dachau,
. September 1873 at Hatten (Bas-Rhin), died on 6 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolff, née Wittegenstein (Augustine) June 6, 1901 in Ruhrort (Germany), died August 5, 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolff (David), born October 7, 1886 to Waldwisse (Moselle), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolff (Ernest, Arthur), born 12 August 1889 in Lingolsheim (Bas-Rhin), who died on 8 January 1945 in Buchenwald (Germany).
Wolff, née Lazar (Eve) July 17, 1888 at Saarwellingen (Saarland), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolff (Hortense), born 13 August 1906 in Sarralbe (Moselle), who died between 18 April 1944 and 8 May 1945 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolff, née Löb (Julienne) March 5, 1875 At Gollheim (Germany), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolff, née Blum (Renée) on 22 October 1893 at La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland), who died on 20 July 1943 (without further information).
Wolff (Simone, Eugénie), born 13 March 1922 in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), who died on 20 July 1943 (without further information).
Wolfsohn (Jacques), born 5 February 1930 in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 10 March 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolfsohn (Joseph), born 30 September 1894 In Lublin (Poland), who died on 1 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolgroch (Uszer, David), born 26 December 1899 in Warsaw (Poland), died on 14 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolica, née Furstenberg (Sara), 1 May 1875 in Warsaw (Poland), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Woliner (Marius, Joseph), born 12 March 1870 in Brody (Poland), who died on 3 October 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Woliner (Pinkas), born 18 September 1897 in Brody, Poland, who died 25 February 1945 in Zweiberge (Germany).
Wolinetz (Wladimir), born 22 August 1900 in Odessa, Russia, who died on 18 or 19 January 1945 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolinski (Hersz, Icchok), born 4 November 1907 in Warsaw (Poland), who died on 13 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolkowicz, née Okowit (Faigon) September 18, 1898 in Czenstochowa (Poland), died at the end of 1942 in Birkenau, Poland.
Wolkowicz (Mayer, Aron), born December 25, 1907 in Lututow, Poland, who died on 5 July 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolkowicz (Solomon), born 14 August 1896 in Tomaszow (Poland), who died on 9 April 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolkowicz (Yankel), born 27 September 1886 in Tomazow (Poland), who died on 23 September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolkowski (Icek), born 18 November 1895 in Brzeziny (Poland), who died on 24 September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolkowski (Kalm, Josek), born 21 September 1907 in Brzeziny (Poland), who died on 28 October 1942 in Birkenau (Poland).
Wollenberger, born Simon (Jeanne) on 8 February 1898 in Diemeringen (Bas-Rhin), who died in the month of April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wollman, née Michelis (Elisabeth) on 15 November 1888 in Minsk (Russia), deceased 22 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wollman (Eugene), born May 25, 1883 in Minsk (Russia), who died on 22 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolodorski (Adrienne), born 31 March 1929 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 3 October 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wolozynski (Girsz), born 1 August 1906 in Wilno (Poland), died in September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Woltrager (Lucien), born November 6, 1901 at Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 15 February 1945 in Dachau (Germany).
Wons (Jean), born 1 May 1906 in Hamborn (Poland), who died on 6 July 1944 in Dachau (Germany).
Woog, née Schindel (Alice) May 25, 1887 in Paris (4th) (Seine), who died on 18 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Woog (Armand), born on 1 November 1873 in Paris (4th) (Seine), who died on 5 July 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Woog (Edmond), born June 4, 1884 in Besançon (Doubs), who died on 18 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Woog (Emmanuel), born 2 November 1869 In Buschwiller (Haut-Rhin), who died on 12 March 1944 in Auschwitz (Poland).
Woog (Marcelle), born April 24, 1915 in Besançon (Doubs), died in 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms (Arlette, Marie), born December 14, 1935 in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms (Clarisse), born 25 March 1876 in Rémilly (Moselle), died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms, née Bloch (Gabrielle) on 25 December 1897 at Grosbliederstroff (Moselle), who died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms (Gaston), born 31 December 1899 in Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 27 November 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms, née Moyse (Hélène, Julie) November 10 1903 at Pont-à-Mousson (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 15 April 1944 (without further information).
Worms, née Bloch (Laure, Sara) on 1 February 1881 in Manheulles (Meuse), who died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms (Léon, Charles), born December 1, 1893 at Metz (Moselle), who died on 24 February 1945 in Weimar (Germany).
Worms (Mauritius), born 20 July 1887 in Paris (4th) (Seine), who died on 7 September 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms, née Cahen (Melanie) July 22, 1885 In Goin (Moselle), who died on 18 April 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms, née Cahen (Minette) on 13 November 1866 at Château-Salins (Moselle), who died on 28 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms (Nadine), born 4 October 1922 in Bordeaux (Gironde), who died after 11 August 1943 in deportation.
Worms (René, Lazare), born 26 March 1895 in Paris (9th) (Seine), who died on 24 February 1945 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Worms de Romilly, née Cohen (Babette, Lucie, Edwine) 29 October 1877 in Paris (8th) (Seine), died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wormser (Adolphe), born 15 September 1877 in Gérardmer (Vosges), died on 4 June 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wormser, née Bloch (Agathe, Alix) January 12 1884 in Montpellier (Hérault), who died on 4 June 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wormser (Marcel, Nathan), born 3 March 1900 in Paris (4th) (Seine), who died on 28 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wormser, née Bloch (Marguerite, Rachel) on 5 February 1889 in Montpellier (Hérault), who died on 4 June 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wormser (Pierre), born 25 May 1897 in Paris (19th) (Seine), who died on 12 December 1943 in Warsaw (Poland).
Wormus (Alice), born on 30 May 1887 in Bacourt (Moselle), Died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Wortsmann (Osias dit Oscar), born July 20, 1904 in Leipzig (Germany), who died on 15 March 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland).
Woussen (Jean, Edouard, Gaston), born 31 August 1925 in Loos (Nord), deceased May 5, 1945 in Theesenstad (Czechoslovakia).
The mention " Death in Deportation " As well as corrections of dates and places of death are reported on the death declarations of:
Frydman (Malka), born in 1901 in Pacanow (Poland), who died on 12 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 7 August 1942 in Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret).
Seror (Paulette), born 9 April 1933 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 25 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 20 May 1944 at Drancy (Seine).
Sevelevici, née Specterman (Ruchla) on 8 March 1912 in Kichineff (Romania), who died on 11 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not (without further information) in Pithiviers (Loiret).
Shrzydlak (Henri), born 7 August 1933 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 29 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on August 24, 1942 at Drancy (Seine).
Sidlovski (Georges), born on 18 January 1922 in Paris (3rd) (Seine), who died on 23 July 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 18 July 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Siedlecki, née Michlewicz (Rajzla) on 29 May 1898 in Radom (Poland), who died on 10 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 5 August 1942 in Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret).
Siegel (Léon), born 10 January 1928 in Paris (11th) (Seine), deceased On 11 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 6 August 1942 in Pithiviers (Loiret).
Sieradzki (Nusen), born on 16 June 1894 in Laski (Poland), died on 20 May 1944 in Kaunas (Lithuania), and not on 15 May 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Sigoura (Israel, Said Isidore), born on 19 October 1872 in Smyrna (Turkey), who died on 25 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 20 May 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Silberberg, née Fleischman (Hana, Guitel) on 22 May 1901 in Odessa (Russia), died on 3 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), not July 29, 1942 at Drancy (Seine).
Silberberg (Jacques), born 14 October 1924 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 23 July 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 18 July 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Silberman, née Spekter (Rachel) on 7 November 1912 in Brussels (Belgium), who died on 25 September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on 20 September 1942 in Pithiviers (Loiret).
Silbermann (Anna), born 30 November 1913 in Düsseldorf (Germany), who died on 4 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not April 29, 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Silny (Ida, Simone), born on August 12, 1919 in Paris (14th) (Seine), died on September 26, 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland), and not on September 21, 1942 in Pithiviers (Loiret).
Silvera (Alexandre), born June 29, 1899 in Algiers (Algeria), died on April 18, 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on April 13, 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Silvera, née Chaik (Queen, Julie) May 4, 1904 in Algiers (Algeria), who died on April 18, 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not April 13, 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Silwerman-Oschiten (Mailoch), born 25 January 1898 in Proskourov (Russia), who died on 28 September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 23 September 1942 in Drancy (Seine).
Simanovich (Solomon), born on 11 April 1901 in Kiew (Russia), died on 28 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 28 March 1943 in Lublin-Maïdaneck (Poland).
Simenow (Abel), born 22 May 1903 in Pinsk-Karolin (Poland), who died on 22 July 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not in July 1942 at Auschwitz (Germany).
Simenow, née Warech (Malka), 20 January 1914 in Lodz (Poland), who died on 25 July 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not in July 1942 at Auschwitz (Germany)
Fridman (Léa) in October 1895 at Brest-Litovsk (Russia), who died on 12 October 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 7 October 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Simkin (Abraham), born 10 February 1876 in Zlinca (Russia), died on 30 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) And not 25 March 1943 in Lublin (Poland).
Simkin, née Zahlik (Fanny) on 27 March 1893 in Paris (18e) (Seine), who died on 30 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 26 March 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Simkin (Lucienne, Hélène), born 16 July 1921 In Paris (9th) (Seine), who died on 30 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 25 March 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Simmet (Gisèle), born on 18 January 1898 in Temesvar (Romania), who died on 25 August 1944 in Ravensbrück (Germany) and not on 20 August 1944 at Fresnes (Seine).
Simon, née Weil (Albertine) on 28 April 1878 at Walff (Bas-Rhin), who died on 8 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 3 February 1944 (without further information).
Simon (Alice, Eve), born 17 July 1896 in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), who died on 2 November 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 28 October 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Simon, née Weil (Armande) on 21 June 1899 at Lunéville (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 25 May 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not in 1944 at Auschwitz (Germany).
Simon (Heymann), born 14 January 1865 at Quatzenheim (Bas-Rhin), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 10 February 1944 in deportation.
Simon (Joël), born May 4, 1880 in Calarasi, Romania, who died 30 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not March 30, 1943 in Lublin-Maïdaneck (Poland).
Simon, née Benveniste-Jacob (Léa) March 3, 1883 in Drama (Greece), died March 28, 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not March 28, 1943 in Lublin-Maïdaneck (Poland).
Simon (Léon), born 23 February 1913 in Graciunesti (Romania), who died on 28 June 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 23 June 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Szarfsztajn (Abus, Szmul), born 24 May 1900 in Bychawa (Poland), who died on 24 May. September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not September 9, 1942 at Drancy (Seine).
Wojakowski (Zalma), born 1902 in Lask (Poland), who died on 22 July 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 17 July 1942 in Pithiviers (Loiret)
(Marie), born May 10, 1925 in Paris (4th) (Seine), who died on 14 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 9 February 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Woldberg (Minna), born on 30 November 1919 in Wolklingen (Saarland), who died on 27 July 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not 22 July 1942 in Drancy (Seine).
Woldberg, née Weczstejn (Sarah) on 26 February 1887 in Lublin, Poland, who died on 14 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 9 February 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Wolf, née Zilbermann (Adèle) on 16 November 1917 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 22 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 17 December 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Wolf (David), born 27 January 1883 in Lodz (Poland), who died on 9 September 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) And not on 4 September 1942 at Drancy (Seine).
Wolf (Gilbert), born 1 July 1941 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 22 December 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 17 December 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Wolf (Jeanne), born 8 October 1898 to Lingolsheim (Bas-Rhin), who died on 27 March 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 27 March 1944 in deportation.
Wolff (Claude, Nicole), born December 8, 1927 in Neuilly-sur-Seine (Seine), who died on 7 September 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not 2 September 1943 at Drancy (Seine).
Wolff (Françoise, Marie-Rose), born May 22, 1924 in Neuilly-sur-Seine (Seine), who died on 7 September 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 2 September 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Wolffberg (Rudolph), born 16 August 1901 in Neustettin (Germany), who died on 11 March 1943 in Lublin-Maïdanek (Poland) and not on 6 March 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Wolfman (Szyma), born 16 January 1900 in Kazanow (Poland), who died on 7 March 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 2 March 1943 at Drancy (Seine).
Wolkovich (Max), born 8 December 1902 in Zdunska Vola (Poland), died on 4 June 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 30 May 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Wolkowski, née Steinmann (Chaja, Rajzla) in 1891 in Brzeziny (Poland), Died on 28 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 28 March 1943 in Lublin-Maïdaneck (Poland).
Wollmann (Edouard, Robert), born 24 July 1877 in Berlin (Germany), died on 28 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 28 March 1943 at Lublin-Maïdaneck (Poland).
Wolman (Nuchim, Fajwel), born 14 September 1904 in Ilza (Poland), who died on 5 August 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 31 July 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Wordowotz (Nathan), born 28 September 1901 in Paris (12th) (Seine), who died on 18 February 1943 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 13 February 1943 in Drancy (Seine).
Worms, née Cerf (Camille) on 28 August 1908 in Bionville (Meurthe-et-Moselle), who died on 30 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 30 March 1943 at Lublin-Maïdaneck (Poland).
Worms (Gaston), born 22 August 1882 in Reims (Marne), died on 30 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 30 March 1943 in Lublin (Poland).
Worms (Gilbert), born 19 January 1930 in Metz (Moselle), who died on 30 March 1943 in Sobibor (Poland) and not on 30 March 1943 in Lublin-Maïdaneck (Poland).
Worms (René), born 28 August 1896 in Metz (Moselle), died on 8 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 3 February 1944 (without further information).
Wormser (André, François), born on 6 August 1922 in Paris (9th) (Seine), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 10 February 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Wormser (Edmond, Nathan), born 19 November 1885 in Colmar (Haut-Rhin), who died on 15 February 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not February 10, 1944 in Drancy (Seine).
Wormser, née Weill (Germaine, Bella), born July 10, 1895 in Paris (10th) (Seine), who died on February 15, 1944 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not February 10, 1944 at Drancy (Seine).
Zajdman (Aline), born on 20 January 1934 in Paris (12th) (Seine), died on 29 August 1942 at Auschwitz (Poland) and not on 24 August 1942 in Drancy (Seine).
In accordance with Article 5 of Law No. 85-528 of 15 May 1985, the affixing of this statement to the The margin of declarations of death shall be carried out at the end of the one-year period laid down by the said Act, after the publication of this Order and provided that no opposition has been made by a person before a court of Large instance.

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