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Notice To Operators Related To The Classification Of Lasers And Related Sources

Original Language Title: Avis aux opérateurs relatif à la classification des lasers et sources assimilées

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JORF No. 8 of 10 January 2007 Page 570
Text No. 111

Notice to operators regarding classification of lasers and assimilated sources

NOR: ECOC0600169V ELI: Not available

Standard NF EN 60825-1 of July 1994 and Amendment A2 of January 2006 set the Rules relating to the classification of laser sources and to its article " 1.1. Application Domain " That the measurement methods are applicable to light emitting diodes (LEDs). There is no restriction in principle on the spectral width of the diodes.
This classification is based on the risk presented by the use of these sources for users or third parties. It allows manufacturers and market operators to take the necessary measures in terms of marking, labelling and use of these products or those that incorporate them so that the safety of users or third parties is The
of this standard is, however, variously followed by the laboratories responsible for the classification of products, the origin of the divergences, in particular the definition of the apparent angle under which the source is seen. This latter parameter is used in the calculation of the accessible emission limits (LAS) for each class or maximum permitted exposures.
For the determination of this last parameter, the technical note IEC TR 60825-13 of August 2006 (§ 7.5.2) The International Technical Commission proposes different methods.
Discussions with the laboratories involved in the implementation of the standard have made it possible to converge on the following rules with regard to the calculation of the apparent angle and The correction coefficient C6 to be used:
-for a direct view in the beam of a laser or LED source (without a diffuser), with a parallel or divergent beam, the apparent angle is equal to 1.5 mrad and therefore C6 = 1;
- For a direct vision in the beam of a laser or LED source transmitted through a diffuser or reflected by a diffused surface, the resulting image corresponds to that obtained from the scattering surface, the apparent angle may be greater than 1.5 mrad and therefore C6 may be greater than 1.
Economic operators and laboratories are invited to take these rules into account, which will enable the first to ensure compliance with safety requirements for their products and Seconds to give answers established under the same conditions of measurement.

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