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Arrested December 23, 2004 On The Extension Of The Collective Agreement Departmental (Savoie) Of Construction Workers Under National Collective Agreements Of Workers Employed By Enterprises Of The Building (Between...

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 23 décembre 2004 portant extension de la convention collective départementale (Savoie) des ouvriers du bâtiment conclue dans le cadre des conventions collectives nationales des ouvriers employés par les entreprises du bâtiment (entre...

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JORF No. 8 of 11 January 2005 Page 462
Text No. 61

Decree of 23 December 2004 extending the departmental collective agreement (Savoie) of construction workers concluded in the framework of the national collective agreements of the workers employed by the undertakings Of the building (enterprises with up to ten employees and more than ten employees) (point 1740)

NOR: SOCT0412236A ELI: Not available

Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion and the Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fishing and Rurality,
In view of articles L. 133-1 and following of the Code Of the work;
In view of the decree of 8 February 1991 extending the national collective agreement of workers employed by undertakings in the building not covered by the decree of 1 March 1962 (i.e. occupying more than ten employees) of 8 October 1990;
Seen the orders of 12 February 1991 and 15 December 1992 extending the national collective agreement of the workers employed by the undertakings of the building subject to the decree of 1 March 1962 (that is to say occupying until 10 employees) of 8 October 1990 and amendments supplementing it;
Given the departmental collective agreement (Savoie) of 1 December 2003;
In view of the request for extension submitted by the signatory organisations;
In view of the opinions published in the Journal Official of 8 April 2004 and 16 May 2004;
In view of the opinions gathered during the investigation;
In view of the reasoned opinion of the National Commission for Collective Bargaining (Sub-Committee on Conventions and Agreements), delivered at its meeting on 11 October 2004,

Item 1

Are made mandatory for all employers and employees included in the scope of application Professional of the national collective agreement of workers employed by the undertakings of the building referred to in the decree of 1 March 1962 (i.e. occupying up to ten employees) of 8 October 1990, as supplemented by the amendment n ° 1 of 17 March 1992, and in that of the national collective agreement of workers employed by the undertakings of the building not covered by the decree of 1 March 1962 (i.e. occupying more than ten employees) of 8 October 1990, as extended by the order of 8 February 1991, and in its own territorial scope, the provisions of the departmental collective agreement (Savoie) of 1 December 2003, excluding the second paragraph of Article 2.7 (Keeping of work) as being contrary to the Provisions of the fourth paragraph of Article R. 233-1 of the Labour Code.
The first two paragraphs of Article 2.5.1 (Tools entrusted by the employer) of Article 2.5 (Tooling and Tooling Allowance) shall be extended subject to The application of the provisions of the first paragraph of Article R. 233-1 of the Labour Code.
The last paragraph of Article 2.5.1 is extended subject to the application of the provisions of Article L. 145-2 of the Labour Code.

Article 2

The extension of the effects and sanctions of the aforementioned collective agreement shall be made from the date of publication of this Order For the period remaining to be run and the conditions laid down by the said Convention.

Article 3

The Director of Labour Relations at Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion and the Director of Operations, Social Policy and Employment in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fishing and Rurality are each responsible for the Of the execution of this Order, to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 23, 2004.

The Minister of Employment,

and Social Cohesion,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the Director

for labour relations:

The collective bargaining sub-director,

P. Florentin

Minister of Agriculture, Food,

Fisheries and Rurality,

For the Minister And by delegation:

By preventing the

Director General from Forest and Rural Affairs:

The engineer in chief of rural engineering,

of waters and forests,

V. Metrich-Hecquet

Note. -The text of the aforementioned collective agreement has been published in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry, collective agreements No. 2003/13bis, available at the Directorate of Official Journals, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15, at the price of 3 EUR.

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