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Order Of 27 December 2004 On The Appointment And Tenure Of Guiding Students In Social And Medico-Social Institutions

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 27 décembre 2004 portant nomination et titularisation des élèves directeurs d'établissements sociaux et médico-sociaux

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JORF No. 8 of 11 January 2005
Text No. 29

Decree of 27 December 2004 on the appointment and tenure of student principals in social and medico-social institutions

NOR: SANH0520001A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Solidarity, Health and Family Date of 27 December 2004, appointed and appointed on 1 January 2005, pursuant to the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of Decree No. 2001-1345 of 28 December 2001 on the special status of the heads of social institutions and Medico-social of the hospital public service, as follows:
1. Assistant Director in the following social and medico-social institutions:
Centre hospitalier specializing, in Brienne-le-Château (Aube): Mr. Xavier Huard;
Public establishment of medico-social Belna in Plemits (Côtes-d ' Armor): Sébastien Hervochon;
Centre départemental de l' enfance et de la famille, in Eysines (Gironde): Miss Barbara Proffit;
Centre hospitalier specializing Charles Perrens, in Bordeaux (Gironde): Miss Nathalie Lafforgue;
Foyer départemental de l' enfance, in Montpellier (Hérault): Mme Julie Vergnet Delalonde;
Home Family Le Charmeyran, à La Tronche, et foyer départemental, à La Côte-Saint-André (Isère): Mme Christine Cassinelli et Miss Marie Leblanc;
Public medico-social establishment The Littoral, in Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique): Miss Delphine Le Port;
Medical and social public establishment The Littoral, in Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantic): Mr. Sébastien Jaunet;
Foyer Département de l' enfance, in Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire (Loire-Atlantique): M. Benoît Jamet;
Hospital local Yves Lanco, in Saint-Palais (Morbihan): Miss Enora Guillerme;
Public institution responsible for the reception of persons with disabilities Adults, Arras (Pas-de-Calais): Mme Christine Zabka;
Etablissement public départemental Le Village du Fier, in Argonay (Haute-Savoie): Miss Carine Albagnac;
Centre départemental de l' enfance, in Canteleu (Seine-Maritime): Ms. Myriam Moiso-Helene, placed in the position of parental leave, effective January 1, 2005, for a period of six months;
Gerontological and medico-social hospital, in Plaisir (Yvelines): Ms. Marie-Annick Patault;
Medical Educational Institute The Logis de Villaine, in Azay-le-Brûlé (Deux-Sèvres): Miss Maryse Morando;
Foyer de vie pour adultes handicapés, à Challans (Vendée): Mr. Jérôme Passicousset, from January 1 to January 26, 2005.
2. Director of the following social and medical social institutions:
Foyer départemental de l' enfance, in Moulins (Allier): Mme Fanny Masson-Pechenart;
Foyer de vie, à Pérassay (Indre): Mme Frédéric Varin;
Centre d' aide par le Work La Bréotière, à Saint-Martin-d ' Arcé (Maine-et-Loire): Mme Chrystèle Denoual-Bolzer;
Institut médico-educate, à Sélestat (Bas-Rhin): Mlle Valérie Perlot;
Institut médico-educate, à Yvetot (Seine-Maritime): M. Mickaël Creze;
Foyer de vie pour adultes handicapped, à Challans (Vendée): Mr. Jérôme Passicousset, effective January 27, 2005.

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