Key Benefits:
The Director General of the French Health Products Safety Agency,
In view of the Public Health Code, and in particular Articles L. 5121-1 and R. 5143-8 ;
In view of the decision of 25 October 2001 listing the generic groups referred to in Article R. 5143-8 of the Public Health Code;
In view of the decision of the Council of State dated 26 November 2001 annulling Market authorization for the pharmaceutical specialty Troxérutine Merck 3.5 g,
Radiated from generic group directory Merck specialty 3.5 g, powder for suspension Drug-dose drinkable, Merck labs Generic, 348 947: box of 10 sachets.
The generic group Troxérutine 3 500 mg, Rhéoflux 3 500 mg, powder for oral suspension in sachet, Veinamitol 3 500 mg, powder for oral suspension Of the generic group directory, as set out in the above decision of 25 October 2001, is amended accordingly.
This decision will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 21, 2001.
P. Duneton