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Notice Of The Statement Of Draft Standards

Original Language Title: Avis relatif à l'instruction de projets de normes

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2007 Page 511
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Notice with respect to standards projects statement

NOR: INDI0610076V ELI: Not available

Pursuant to Order No. 84-74 of January 26, 1984, as amended, are subject to investigation Probationary for instruction of the following draft standards:


PR NF EN 1186-13. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Materials and objects in contact with foodstuffs. -Plastic material. -Part 13: test method for global migration at high temperatures (classification index: D25-101-13PR).
PR NF EN 1186-14. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Materials and objects in contact with foodstuffs. -Plastic material. -Part 14: Alternative method for checking the overall migration of plastics in contact with fat foodstuffs in iso-octane and 95 % ethanol (classification index: D25-101-14PR).
PR NF EN 1186-15. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Materials and objects in contact with foodstuffs. -Plastic material. -Part 15: Replacement methods for verification of migration in fatty simulants by rapid extraction in iso-octane and/or 95 % aqueous ethanol (classification index: D25-101-15PR).
PR NF EN 13130-13. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Materials and objects in contact with foodstuffs. -Substances in plastics subject to limitations. -Part 13: Determination of 2,2-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) propane (bisphenol A) in food simulants (classification index: D25-201-13PR).
PR NF EN ISO 6785. -Closing date: 5 March 2007. Milk and milk products. -Salmonella spp. (classification index: V04-031PR).
PR NF EN ISO 8069. -Closing date: 5 March 2007. Dry dry. -Determination of lactic acid and lactatas (classification index: V04-357PR).


PR NF EN 61318. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Jobs powered on. -Conformity assessment applicable to tools, equipment and devices (classification index: C18-418PR).
PR NF EN 60068-2-20. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Environmental testing. -Part 2-20: tests. -Test T: methods for testing weldability and heat resistance of soldering lead devices (classification index: C20-720PR).
PR NF EN 62388. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Marine navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. -Radar. -Ship Radar. -Operating requirements. -Test methods and required test results (classification index: C46-814PR).
PR NF EN 62310-3. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Static transfer systems (STS). -Part 3: method of specification of performance and test procedures (classification index: C53-010-3PR).
PR NF EN 62271-100. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. High voltage apparatus. -Part 100: AC circuit breakers (classification index: C64-471-100PR).
PR NF EN 62271-205. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. High voltage apparatus. -Part 205: sets of compact sets for assigned tensions greater than 52 kV (classification index: C64-471-205PR).
PR NF EN 62075. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Audio/video equipment for information and communication technologies. -Environmental Design (classification index: C77-301PR).
PR NF EN 60204-32. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Safety of machines. -Electrical equipment of machines. -Part 32: requirements for lifting devices (classification index: C79-132PR).
PR NF EN 60393-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Potentiometers used in electronic equipment. -Part 1: Generic specification (classification index: C83-250-1PR).
PR NF EN 62317-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Noyaux ferrites. -Dimensions. -Part 1: General specification (classification index: C93-357-1PR).
PR NF EN 62341-1-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Organic light emitting diode displays. -Part 1-1: generic specifications (classification index: C93-549-1-1PR).
PR NF EN 60318-6. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Electroacoustic. -Head and human ear simulator. -Part 6: mechanical coupling for the measurements of the ossivribrators (classification index: C97-618-6PR).
PR NF EN 60809/A4. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Road vehicle lamps. -Dimensional, electric and light requirements (classification index: R13-629/A4PR).


PR NF ISO 15392. -Closing date: 25 January 2007. Sustainable development in construction. -General principles (classification index: P01-051PR).
PR NF DTU 26.2P1.1. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Building work. -Chapes and slabs based on hydraulic binders. -Part 1-1: technical clauses (classification index: P14-201-1-1PR).
PR NF DTU 26.2P1.2. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Building work. -Chapes and slabs based on hydraulic binders. -Part 1-2: general criteria for choice of materials (classification index: P14-201-1-2PR).
PR NF DTU 26.2P2. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Construction work. -Private markets. -Chapes and slabs based on hydraulic binders. -Part 2: special clauses (classification index: P14-201-2PR).
PR NF EN 15303-1. -Closing date: 25 January 2007. Design and implementation of plaster slab works on frames. -Part 1: General (classification index: P72-702-1PR).
PR NF EN 15583-1. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Winter Viability Materials. -Snow slings. -Part 1: product description and requirements (classification index: P98-919-1PR).
PR NF EN 15597-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Winter viability equipment. -Epanders. -Part 1: dosage and static testing requirements (ranking index P98-921-1PR).


PR NF EN ISO 6360-5. -Closing date: 15 February 2007. Dentistry. -Digital coding system for rotary instruments. -Part 5: specific characteristics of root canal instruments (classification index: S91-105-5PR).
PR NF S94-080-1. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Surgical implants. -Alloy of titanium TA6V. -Part 1: bars and billets (classification index: S94-080-1PR).
PR NF S94-080-4. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Surgical implants. -Alloy of titanium TA6V. -Part 4: semi-finished products obtained by forging or machining (classification index: S94-080-4PR).
PR NF S94-081-1. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Surgical implants. -Alloys based on titanium, aluminum 6 and niobium 7. -Part 1: bars and billets (classification index: S94-081-1PR).
PR NF S94-081-2. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Surgical implants. -Alloys based on titanium, aluminum 6 and niobium 7. -Part 2: semi-finished products obtained by forging or machining (classification index: S94-081-2PR).
PR NF ISO 7206-1. -Closing date: 20 January 2007. Surgical implants. -Partial and total prostheses of the hip joint. -Part 1: classification and designation of dimensions (classification index: S94-166-1PR).
PR NF EN 14349. -Closing date: 5 March 2007. Chemical disinfectants and disinfectants. -Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of the bactericidal activity of antiseptics and chemical disinfectants used in the veterinary field on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action. -Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2) (classification index: T72-194PR).


PR NF ISO 17712. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Containers for the carriage of goods. -Mechanical celled (classification index: H90-023PR).
PR NF EN 3160. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Aerospace Series. -Steel FE-PM3801 (X5CrNiCu17-4). -Elaborated in air, put in solution and aged, bars a or D 200 mm, Rm 1 310 MPa (classification index: L10-539PR).
PR NF EN 3161. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Aerospace Series. -FE-PM38301 (X5CrNiCu17-4). -Elaborated in air, put in solution and aged, bars a or D 200 mm, Rm 930 MPa (classification index: L10-540PR).
PR NF EN 3162. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Aerospace Series. -Steel FE-PM3801 (X5CrNiCu17-4). -Elaborated in air, put in solution and aged, plate and strip a 6 mm, Rm 930 MPa (classification index: L10-541PR).
PR NF EN 3163. -Closing date: 5 January 2007. Aerospace Series. -Steel FE-PM3801 (X5CrNiCu17-4). -Air-aborted, adouci, products intended for forge a or D 300 mm (classification index: L10-542PR).
PR NF T70-526. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Defence energy materials. -Security, vulnerability. -Thermo-initiation critical temperature (cook-off) (classification index: T70-526PR).


PR NF E24-403. -Closing date: 15 February 2007. Belt transmissions. -Striped belts. -Determination of the linear mass (classification index: E24-403PR).
PR NF R15 -505-2. -Closing date: 15 February 2007. Belt transmissions. -Trapezoidal, striated or synchronous belts intended for the automobile. -Part 2: determination of tensile strength after traction (classification index: R15 -505-2PR).
PR EN ISO 9241-304. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Ergonomics of human/system interaction. -Part 304: Test method of user performance (classification index: X35-122-304PR).


PR NF X50-151. -Closing date: 28 February 2007. Management by value. -Functional expression of the requirement and functional specification. -Requirements for the expression and validation of the need to be satisfied in the process of acquiring or obtaining a product (classification index: X50-151PR).


PR NF EN 15372. -Closing date: 3 January 2007. Furniture. -Resistance, sustainability and security. -Requirements for tables for non-domestic use (classification index: D62-072PR).
PR NF EN ISO 105-E16. -Closing date: 5 March 2007. Textiles. -Tests for solidity of dyes. -Part E16: strength of drip dyes on furnishing fabrics (classification index: G07-013-16PR).
PR NF EN ISO 105-E04. -Closing date: 15 February 2007. Textiles. -Tests for solidity of dyes. -Part E04: strength of sweat dyes (classification index: G07-013-4PR).
PR NF EN 15301-2. -Closing date: 10 January 2007. Sports flights. -Part 2: Determination by dynamic laboratory test of the shear strength of the upper layer of unlinked mineral soils (classification index: P90-150-2PR).


PR NF EN 1474-2. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Liquefied natural gas installations and equipment. -Design and testing of marine transfer systems. -Part 2: design and testing of transfer pipes (classification index: M51-004-2PR).
PR NF EN 1474-3. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Liquefied natural gas installations and equipment. -Design and testing of marine transfer systems. -Part 3: offshore transfer systems (classification index: M51-004-3PR).
PR NF EN ISO 28300. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. -Ventilation of atmospheric pressure and low pressure storage tanks (classification index: M87-231PR).
PR NF DTU 65.11 P1-1. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Building work. -Security devices for central heating installations concerning the building. -Part 1-1: technical clauses (classification index: P52-203-1-1PR).
PR NF DTU 65.11 P1-2. -Closing date: 5 February 2007. Building work. -Security devices for central heating installations concerning the building. -Part 1-2: General criteria for choice of materials (classification index P52-203-1-2PR).
PR NF T65-012. -Closing date: 29 January 2007. Hydrocarbon compounds. -anionic bitumen emulsions. -Specifications (classification index: T65-012PR).
PR NF T66-019. -Closing date: 29 January 2007. Hydrocarbon compounds. -Bitumen emulsions. -Determination of the index of rupture of an anionic emulsion (classification index T66-019PR).


PR NF EN ISO 3452-5. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Non-destructive testing. -Examination by ressuing. -Part 5: temperature examination at temperatures above 50 ° C (classification index: A09-120-5PR).
PR NF EN ISO 3452-6. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Non-destructive testing. -Examination by ressuing. -Part 6: ressuing at temperatures below 10 ° C (classification index: A09-120-6PR).
PR NF A35-016-1. -Closing date: 10 January 2007. Armed concrete steel. -Welded steel locks. -Part 1: bars and crowns (classification index: A35-016-1PR).
PR NF A35-016-2. -Closing date: 10 January 2007. Armed concrete steel. -Welded steel locks. -Part 2: welded trusses (classification index: A35-016-2PR).
PR NF A35-019-1. -Closing date: 10 January 2007. Armed concrete steel. -Sudden fingerprint steel. -Part 1: bars and crowns (classification index: A35-019-1PR).
PR NF A35-019-2. -Closing date: 10 January 2007. Armed concrete steel. -Sudden fingerprint steel. -Part 2: welded trusses (classification index: A35-019-2PR).
PR NF A35-028. -Closing date: 10 January 2007. Armed concrete steel. -Line stiffeners (classification index: A35-028PR).
PR NF EN 10255/A1. -Closing date: 20 January 2007. Welded non-alloy steel tubes and threads. -Technical delivery conditions (classification index: A49-149/A1PR).
PR NF EN ISO 17657-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Welding by resistance. -Measuring welding currents by resistance. -Part 1: guidelines for measuring (classification index: A89-579-1PR).
PR NF EN ISO 17657-2. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Resistance Welding-Milling of currents in resistance welding. -Part 2: ampermeter with current measurement torus (classification index: A89-579-2PR).
PR NF EN ISO 17657-3. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Welding by resistance. -Measuring welding currents by resistance. -Part 3: current measurement torus (classification index: A89-579-3PR).
PR NF EN ISO 17657-4. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Welding by resistance. -Measuring welding currents by resistance. -Part 4: calibration system (classification index: A89-579-4PR).
PR NF EN ISO 17657-5. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Welding by resistance. -Measuring welding currents by resistance. -Part 5: verification of welding current measuring systems (classification index: A89-579-5PR).
PR NF EN ISO 10447. -Closing date: 28 February 2007. Welding by resistance. -Burin peeling and burin tests applied to welds by point resistance and bossages (classification index: A89-580PR).
PR NF E63-506. -Closing date: 25 January 2007. Casting and extrusion equipment. -Elements of metal moulds. -Guiding columns with cylindrical head (classification index: E63-506PR).
PR NF EN ISO 12625-10. -Closing date: 20 February 2007. Paper tissue and products. -Part 10: determination of the rate of water absorption and the absorption capacity on demand, with controlled hydraulic pressure (classification index: Q34-030-10PR).
Throughout the probationary period, documents may Be consulted, free of charge, in the premises of AFNOR open to the public in Saint-Denis, or be acquired at the tariff in force, at AFNOR, 11, rue Francis-de-Pressensé, 93571 Saint-Denis-La Plaine Cedex (telephone: 01-41-62-76-44), where to be Addressed notices and comments. Information about these probationary investigations is also available at

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