Key Benefits:
The Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing,
In view of the code of education, in particular Articles L. 335-5, L. 335-6 and R. 338-1 and following;
Seen the order of 9 March 2006 Relating to the conditions for the issuance of the professional title of the employment ministry;
Given the employment, activities and skills of the professional title of the waste product;
Seen the repository of Certification of the professional title of the waste product;
In the opinion of the Industry Advisory Industry Advisory Committee of November 15, 2006,
The employment, activities and skills repository and certification repository for the professional designation of waste products are available in the AFPA centres and the centres The
title of the waste technical agent is composed of the following two constituent units:
1. Ensure the reception, the accompaniment of the various users and the proper handling of the sorting of inputs in a waste.
2. Ensure the functional operation of a waste.
They may be sanctioned by professional competence certificates (SPCs) under the conditions laid down in the abovementioned decree of 9 March 2006.
The Annex to this Order contains the information required for the registration of the professional designation in the national directory of professional certifications.
The General Delegate for Employment and Vocational Training shall be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published and its annex to the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Professional Title of Agent Waste technique.
Level: V.
NSF Code: 343 m.
Job Repository Summary
The waste technical agent provides the functional organization of the waste as a function of the Specifications defined by the territorial structure (union, communal or inter-communal structure).
It welcomes the public, explains the rules of sorting to users, individuals or craftsmen and controls that they are implemented. It answers the questions of the users. It prepares the prescribed billing elements.
It organizes the abductions according to the procedures and fills all the documents necessary for the operation of the site.
It manages the hazards (incidents, potential conflicts) With a focus on calm, courtesy and continuity of service.
Its activity takes into account two requirements: user satisfaction and satisfaction of recovery professionals: sorted products must be compliant with Quality criteria
He (she) is responsible for the site. It respects and complies with the rules of safety, hygiene and safety by users.
It works standing, most often outside. Opening hours are flexible and the activity varies according to the times of the year. It can work on its own or on a small team.
Certified and descriptive
capabilities of the
1 certification components. Hosting, supporting the various
users and sorting the inputs in a waste
Regulating input flows, verifying access rights, controlling and directing input
To ensure the reception, information and awareness of users of the objectives and instructions of the sorting.
Verify the distribution of waste, compliance with hygiene and safety rules, manage the common hazards caused by the
Receptor, differentiate, sort, and store MDD (household hazardous waste).
To ensure the receipt and verification of pay input.
Identify, defuse a tension situation with users and put in place Works the means to regulate a conflict related to non-compliance with the rules of procedure of the waste.
2. Ensure the functional operation of a waste product
Complete and compile the various operating documents for a waste.
Perform the abductions by optimizing it.
Manage the state and the holding of a Waste (open/closing, cleanliness, first level maintenance, degradations ...).
Detect and manage risk situations for people and/or assets.
Anticipate and manage the hazards that affect the operation of a Waste.
Business lines or types of jobs
accessed by the title holder
Waste and sorted materials belong to the territorial structure (union, structure
The agent can be directly employed by the agent or employee of a private enterprise.
Some waste products are only reserved for individuals.
ROME Code:
Regulation of activity:
Authority responsible for certification:
Department responsible for employment
Legal and regulatory bases:
Articles L. 335-5, L. 335-6 and R. 338-1 et seq. Of the code of education;
Decree of 9 March 2006 concerning the conditions for the grant of the professional title of the Ministry of Employment.
Done at Paris, December 18, 2006.
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the
delegate from employment and vocational training:
The Head of Mission for the
Training and Qualification Policies,
C. Rigodanzo