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Notice Of Insurance Contributions Rates Specific To The Beneficiaries Of The Medicare Local Of The Departments Of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin And Moselle

Original Language Title: Avis concernant les taux de cotisations d'assurance maladie spécifiques aux bénéficiaires du régime local d'assurance maladie des départements du Haut-Rhin, du Bas-Rhin et de la Moselle

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JORF No. 7 of 8 January 2006 Page 355
Text No. 43

Opinion on contribution rates of specific health insurance to beneficiaries of the local government scheme d' health insurance of the departments of the Haut-Rhin, the Bas-Rhin and the Moselle

NOR: SANS0620028V ELI: Not available

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 242-13 of the Social Security Code, The board of directors of the management body of the local compulsory supplementary health insurance scheme of the departments of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin and Moselle a, by deliberation of 19 December 2005, decided to increase the rate of the Contribution on earnings, retirement benefits and other replacement income of 0.1 %, thus increasing to 1.8 % as of January 1, 2006.

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