Key Benefits:
Pursuant to Order No. 84-74 of January 26, 1984, as amended, are subject to investigation Probationary for instruction of the following draft standards:
PR NF EN 13041/A1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Amendments to soil and culture media. -Determination of physical properties. -Apparent density dry mass, air volume, water volume, shrink value and total porosity (classification index: U44-307/A1 PR).
PR NF EN 15428. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Amendments to soil and culture media. -Determination of particle size distribution (classification index: U44-315PR).
PR NF U47-019. -End Date: March 5, 2006.
Animal Health Analysis Methods. -Guide to good practice for implementing Elisa techniques (classification index: U47-019PR).
PR NF EN ISO 22005. -Closing date: 28 February 2006.
Traceability in the food chain. -General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation (classification index: V01-012PR).
PR NF ISO 22662. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Milk and milk products. -Determination of lactose content by high performance liquid chromatography (Reference method) (classification index: V04-028PR).
PR NF ISO 20773. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Cigarettes. -Determination of nicotine and nicotine-free anhydrous particulate matter in the secondary current of smoke. -Method using a linear routine analytical smoking machine equipped with individual fish tail chimneys (classification index: V37-048PR).
PR NF EN 60974-4. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Arc welding equipment. -Part 4: inspection and testing in service (classification index: A85-009-4PR).
PR NF EN 50160. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Voltage characteristics provided by public distribution networks (classification index: C02-160PR).
PR NF EN 50419/AA. -End date: 20 January 2006.
Marking of electrical and electronic equipment in accordance with Article 11 (2) of Directive 2002 /96/EC (WEEE) (classification index: C04-230/APR).
PR NF EN 60300-3-4. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Operating Security Management. -Part 3-4: application guide. -Specification of safety requirements (classification index: C20-300-3-4PR).
PR NF EN 60706-5. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Hardware serviceability. -Part 5: diagnostic tests (classification index: C20-306-5PR).
PR NF EN 50088/A4. -End date: 10 January 2006.
Safety of electric toys (classification index: C73-822/A4PR).
PR NF EN 50408. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Electrical and similar appliances. -Security. -Special rules for vehicle heating installations (classification index: C73-830-408PR).
PR NF EN 60335-2-53/A 1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Electrohousehold appliances and the like. -Security. -Part 2-53: special rules for sauna heaters (classification index: C73-853/A1 PR).
PR NF EN 60335-2-54/A2. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Electrohousehold appliances and the like. -Security. -Part 2-54: special rules for cleaning appliances of household surfaces, using liquids or steam (classification index: C73-854/A2PR).
PR NF EN 61310-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Machine safety. -Indication, marking and manoeuvring. -Part 1: requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile signals (classification index: C79-141 PR).
PR NF EN 61310-2. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Machine safety. -Indication, marking and manoeuvring. -Part 2: requirements for marking (classification index: C79-142PR).
PR NF EN 61310-3. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Machine safety. -Indication, marking and manoeuvring. -Part 3: requirements on the position and operation of the control organs (classification index: C79-143PR).
PR NF EN 50173-1. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Information technologies. -Generic cabling systems. -Part 1: General specification (classification index: C90-485-1 PR).
PR NF EN 50173-2. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Information technologies. -Generic cabling systems. -Part 2: tertiary sector buildings (classification index: C90-485-2PR).
PR NF EN 50173-4. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Information technologies. -Generic cabling systems. -Part 4: residential buildings (classification index: C90-485-4PR).
PR NF EN 50173-5. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Information technologies. -Generic cabling systems. -Part 5: data centres (classification index: C90-485-5PR).
PR NF EN 61190-1-2. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Fastening materials for electronic assemblies. -Part 1-2: Requirements for soldering creams for high quality interconnections in assemblies of electronic components (classification index: C90-700-1-2PR).
PR NF EN 61190-1-3. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Fastening materials for electronic assemblies. -Part 1-3: Requirements for electronic category braving alloys and fluxed and non-fluxed solid brasures for electronic brazing applications (classification index: C90-700-1-3PR).
PR NF EN 61760-2. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Surface mounting technique. -Part 2: transport and storage of components for surface mounting (CSM). -Application guide (classification index: C90-711PR).
PR NF EN 61000-4-20/A1. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). -Part 4-20: test and measurement techniques. -Emission tests and immunity in the TEM waveguides (classification index: C91-004-20/A1PR).
PR NF EN 55020/A3. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Broadcast and TV receivers and related equipment. -Features of immunity. -Limits and methods of measurement (classification index: C91-020/A3PR).
PR NF EN 61300-3-10. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Interconnection devices and passive fibre optic components. -Basic methods of testing and measurement. -Part 3-10: reviews and measures. -Size retention force (classification index: C93-903-10PR).
PR NF EN 61754-13. -End Date: January 10, 2006.
Fibre Optic Connector Interfaces. -Part 13: connectors of type FC-PC (classification index: C93-910-13PR).
PR NF EN 61967-61/A1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Integrated Circuits. -Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to 1 GHz. -Part 6: measurement of pipe emissions. -Magnetic probe method (classification index: C96-260-6/A1PR).
PR NF EN 50463. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Railway applications. -Measure of energy on board trains (classification index: F62-463PR).
PR NF C15 -211. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Low-voltage electrical installations. -Installations in premises for medical use (classification index: C15 -211 PR).
PR NF ISO 15821. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Portals and windows. -Water sealing test under dynamic pressure. -Cyclonic considerations (classification index: P20-103PR).
PR NF EN 15316-4-2. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Heating systems in buildings. -Method for calculating energy requirements and system efficiency. -Part 4-2: space heating systems. -Heat pump systems (classification index P52-617-4-2PR).
PR NF EN 15316-4-3. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Heating systems in buildings. -Method for calculating energy requirements and system efficiency. -Part 4-3: space heating systems. -Thermal solar systems (classification index P52-617-4-3PR).
PR EN 15430-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Winter viability and maintenance materials for road dependencies. -Data acquisition and transmission. -Part 1: acquisition of vehicle data (classification index: P98-915 -1PR).
PR NF EN 54-24. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Fire detection and alarm systems. -Components of voice alarm systems. -Part 24: speakers (classification index S61-025PR).
PR NF EN ISO 11810-2. -End date: 5 February 2006.
Lasers and equipment associated with lasers. -Test method and classification of laser resistance of surgical drapes and/or patient protection covers. -Part 2: secondary inflammation (classification index: S97-132-2PR).
PR NF EN 13606-4. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Health Informatics. -Communicating computerized health records. -Part 4: safety requirements and distribution rules (classification index: S97-544-4PR).
PR NF EN 13608-1. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Health Informatics. -Security of communications in the health field. -Part 1: Concepts and Terminology (classification index S97-548-1PR).
PR NF EN 13608-2. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Health Informatics. -Security of communications in the health field. -Part 2: secure data objects (classification index S97-548-2PR).
PR NF EN 13608-3. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Health Informatics. -Security of communications in the health field. -Part 3: secure data communication channels (classification index: S97-548-3PR).
PR NF EN 15427. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Railway applications. -Management of wheel/rail friction. -Lubrication of wheel socks (classification index: F19-427PR).
PR NF L06-380-23. -Closing date: January 20, 2006.
Welded and brazed assemblies for aerospace constructions. -Reliability and reliability of materials. -Part 23: homogeneous assemblies of base alloys Ni or Co resistant to high temperature (classification index: L06-380-23PR).
PR NF EN 2435-001. -Closing date: January 13, 2006.
Epoxy primary paint " Cold polymeric type " (classification index: L16-006-001PR).
PR NF EN 2435-002. -End Date: January 13, 2006.
Aerospace Series. -Painting and varnish. -Primary anti-corrosion paint chromatography with two components polymerizing at room temperature. -Part 002: high resistance to corrosion (classification index: L16-006-002PR).
PR NF EN 2435-003. -End Date: January 13, 2006.
Aerospace Series. -Paints and varnishes. -Primary anti-corrosion chromatography, two components polymerizing at room temperature. -Part 003: high resistance to corrosion and fluids (classification index: L16-006-003PR).
PR NF EN 2435-004. -End Date: January 13, 2006.
Aerospace Series. -Paints and varnishes. -Primary anti-corrosion paint chromatography with two components polymerizing at room temperature. -Part 004: high resistance to corrosion and fluids with tolerance to surface preparation (classification index: L16-006-004PR).
PR NF EN 2434-005. -End Date: December 20, 2005.
Aerospace Series. -Paints and varnishes. -Painting of polyurethane finish, two components polymerizing at room temperature. -Part 005: high flexibility and resistance to chemical substances for military applications (classification index: L16-014-005PR).
PR NF EN 2346-004. -End Date: December 20, 2005.
Aerospace Series. -Fire-resistant electric cables. -Operating temperatures between-65 ° C and 260 ° C. -Part 004: DN family, simple UV laser beholder and assembled elements. -Lean version. -Product standard (classification index: L52-151-004PR).
PR NF EN 4530-001. -End Date: January 5, 2006.
Aerospace Series. -Sealing sleeves used in connection organs. -Part 001: Technical specification (classification index: L53-151-001PR).
PR NF EN 4530-002. -End Date: January 5, 2006.
Aerospace Series. -Sealing sleeves used in connection organs. -Part 002: list and use of watertight seals (classification index: L53-151-002PR).
PR NF EN 4008-001. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Aerospace Series. -Electric and optical connection bodies. -Tighting tools and associated accessories Part 001: Technical specification (classification index: L53-400-001PR).
PR NF ISO 13373-2. -End Date: December 23, 2005.
Machine Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis. -Vibration monitoring. -Part 2: processing, analysis and presentation and analysis of vibrational data (classification index: E90-373-2PR).
PR NF ISO 2328. -Closing date: February 28, 2006.
Fork lifts. -Strain arm arm and fork aprons. -Mounting dimensions (classification index: H96-406PR).
PR NF EN ISO 10846-1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Acoustics and vibrations. -Laboratory measurement of the vibronic transfer properties of the elastic elements. -Part 1: principles and guidelines (classification index: S31-030-1PR).
PR NF EN ISO 10846-2. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Acoustics and vibrations. -Laboratory measurement of the vibronic transfer properties of the elastic elements. -Part 2: direct method for the determination of the dynamic stiffness in translation of elastic supports (classification index: S31-030-2PR).
PR NF EN ISO 10846-5. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Acoustics and vibrations. -Laboratory measurement of the vibronic transfer properties of the elastic elements. -Part 5: method of the driving point for the determination of the dynamic low frequency stiffness of elastic supports for a translational motion (classification index: S31-030-5PR).
PR NF EN 363. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Equipment for personal protection against falls. -Individual falls protection systems (classification index: S71-510PR).
PR NF EN ISO 4254-10. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Agricultural equipment. -Security. -Part 10: Rotary fanatics and swimmers (classification index: U02-007PR).
PR NF U02-052-2/A1. -Closing date: January 5, 2006.
Fractors. -Slope stability and protection in case of overturning. -Protection in case of overturning. -Calculation methods (classification index: U02-052-2/A1 PR).
PR EN ISO 11681-l/Al. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Forest equipment. -Security safety requirements and testing of portable chain saws. -Part 1: chain saws for forestry work (classification index: U34-110/A1PR).
PR NF EN 15373. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Furniture. -Resistance, sustainability and security. -Requirements for non-domestic seats (classification index: D61-072PR).
PR NF EN 15372. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Furniture. -Resistance, sustainability and security. -Requirements for non-domestic tables (classification index: D62-072PR).
PR NF EN ISO 20743. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Textiles. -Determination of antibacterial activity of finished antibacterial products (classification index: G39-020PR).
PR NF EN ISO 17228. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Cuir. -Tests for solidity of dyes. -Color change with accelerated ageing (classification index: G52-320PR).
PR NF EN ISO 12215 -8. -Closing date: March 5, 2006.
Small ships. -Construction of hulls and samples. -Part 8: rudders (classification index: J95-046-8PR).
PR NF S54-042. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Bathing thermometers. -Temperature indicators. -Specifications and markings (classification index: S54-042PR).
PR NF EN 13546/A1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Protective clothing. -Protects-hands and arms, plastrons, abdominal protection, gaiters, hooves and goalie shells of hockey gowns and shin-guards of players. -Test requirements and methods (classification index: S72-416/A1PR).
PR NF EN 13567/A1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Protective clothing. -Protection of hands, arms, chest, abdomen, legs, genital and face for festers. -Test requirements and methods (classification index: S72-417/A1 PR).
PR NF EN 14120/A1. -Closing date: 5 March 2006.
Protective clothing. -Devices for protecting wrists, palms, knees and elbows for users of wheeled sports equipment. -Test methods and requirements (classification index: S72-423/A1 PR).
PR NF EN 14944-3. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Influence of cement-based products on water intended for human consumption. -Test methods. -Part 3: migration of substances from factory products (classification index: P41-034-3PR).
PR NF EN 15446. -End Date: March 5, 2006.
Fugitive and diffuse emissions for various industrial sectors. -Mesurage of fugitive emission of gaseous compounds from equipment leaks and channelling (classification index: X43-446PR).
PR NF EN 15445. -End Date: March 5, 2006.
Fugitive and diffuse emissions for various industrial sectors. -Estimated fugitive dust emission rates by inverse dispersion modelling (classification index: X43-511 PR).
PR NF K11-112. -End Date: January 15, 2006.
Production of standardized cheque forms. -Production of standard cheques according to standard NF K11-111 (classification index K11-112PR).
PR NF EN ISO 19111. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Geographic Information. -Spatial reference system by coordinates (classification index: Z52-016PR).
PR NF EN ISO 19119. -Closing date: February 5, 2006.
Geographic Information. -Services (classification index: Z52-025PR).
PR NF EN 13203-2. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Domestic appliances producing hot water using gaseous fuels. -Devices of heat flow less than or equal to 70 kW and storage capacity less than or equal to 300 l. -Part 2: assessment of energy consumption (classification index D35-350-2PR).
PR NF EN 1359/A1. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Gas meters. -Deformable wall gas volume meters (classification index: E17-301/A1 PR).
PR NF EN 12261/A1. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Gas meters. -Turbine gas meters (classification index E17-303/A1PR).
PR NF EN 267. -End date: 5 March 2006.
Automatic air-blowers for liquid fuels (classification index: E31-310PR).
PR NF EN ISO 10414-2. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Petroleum and natural gas industries. -Petroleum and natural gas industries. -In situ testing of drilling fluids. -Part 2: oil-based fluids (classification index: M87-290-2PR).
PR NF P52-211-1/A2. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Building works. -Work on the installations of hot water exchange substations under pressure. -Part 1: specifications (classification index: P52-211-1/A2PR).
PR NF DTU 65.14 P2. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Building works. -Running hot water heaters. -Part 2: technical clauses. -Other slabs than isolated desolidarised slabs (classification index P52-307-2PR).
PR NF DTU 65.14 P3. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Building works. -Running hot water heaters. -Part 3: book of special clauses. -Isolated and other Dalles (classification index: P52-307-3PR).
PR EN 10343. -End Date: February 5, 2006.
Aspen Aciers and Income for Construction. -Technical delivery conditions (classification index: A35-553PR).
PR NF EN ISO 18276. -End date: 5 March 2006.
Consumables for welding. -Filled electrodes for arc welding with or without high strength steel protection gases. -Classification (classification index: A81-352PR).
PR NF EN ISO 15614-l/A1. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Descriptive and qualification of a welding procedure for metallic materials. -Proof of qualification of a welding procedure. -Part 1: arc welding and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys (classification index: A89-057-1/A1PR).
PR NF EN 1071-6. -Closing date: 5 March 2006.
Advanced technical ceramics. -Test methods for ceramic coatings. -Part 6: Determination of abrasion resistance of surface coating coatings (classification index: A92-801-6PR).
PR NF EN 725-11. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Advanced technical ceramics. -Test methods for ceramic powders. -Part 11: determination of densification during natural sintering (classification index: B42-001-11PR).
PR NF EN 15392-1. -Closing date: January 31, 2006.
Geometric Product Specification (GPS). -Correction. -Part 1: vocabulary and rectitude parameters (classification index: E10-111-1PR).
PR NF EN 15392-2. -Closing date: January 31, 2006.
Geometric Product Specification (GPS). -Correction. -Part 2: specification operators (classification index: E10-111-2PR).
PR NF EN 15394-3. -Closing date: January 31, 2006.
Geometric Product Specification (GPS). -Verification by measuring parts and measuring equipment. -Part 3: guidelines for obtaining agreements on the declaration of measurement uncertainties (classification index: El0-201-3PR).
PR NF EN 15395-3. -Closing date: January 31, 2006.
Geometric Product Specification (GPS). -Three-dimensional measuring machines (MMT. -Technical for determining measurement uncertainty. -Part 3: use of calibrated parts or standards (classification index: El1-160-3PR).
PR NF EN 15421. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Packaging. -Flexible aluminum tubes. -Determination of the adhesion of internal and external protection varnishes (classification index: H34-067PR).
PR NF EN ISO 17132. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Paints and varnishes. -Paints and varnishes. -T-fold test (classification index: T30-105PR).
PR NF EN ISO 12137-2. -Closing date: 5 February 2006.
Paints and varnishes. -Determination of resistance to deterioration. -Part 2: method using a pointed stylus (classification index: T30-112-2PR).
PR NF EN 927-3. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Paints and varnishes. -Paint products and paint systems for exterior wood. -Part 3: natural aging test (classification index: T34-201-3PR).
PR NF EN ISO 13445. -Closing date: 20 February 2006.
Adhesives. -Determination of the shear strength of bonded joints between rigid elements by the massive block shear method (classification index: T76-200PR).
PR NF EN 15416-1. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Adhesives for load-bearing wood frames. -Test methods. -Part 1: static load test of single-plane compression tubes in compression (classification index: T76-336-1PR).
PR NF EN 15416-2. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Adhesives for wooden bearing structures. -Test methods. -Part 2: duration to obtain the rupture of multiple joint tubes, by compression shear tests (classification index: T76-336-2PR).
PR NF EN 15416-4. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Adhesives for wooden bearing structures. -Test methods. -Part 4: Determination of open assembly time for monocomponent polyurethane adhesives (classification index: T76-336-4PR).
PR NF EN 15416-5. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Adhesives for wooden bearing structures. -Test methods. -Part 5: determination of conventional under-pressure (classification index: T76-336-5PR).
PR NF EN 15425. -Closing date: February 20, 2006.
Polyurethane adhesive monocomponents for load-bearing wood frames. -Classification and performance requirements (classification index: T76-337PR).
Throughout the probationary period, documents may be consulted, free of charge, in the premises of AFNOR open to the public in Saint-Denis, or Acquired at the tariff in force, at AFNOR, 11, avenue Francis-de-Pressensé, 93571 Saint-Denis-La Plaine Cedex (telephone: 01-41-62-76-44), where notices and observations must be sent. Information on these probationary investigations is also available at