Key Benefits:
A Deputy Director budget job is likely to be vacant at the Secretariat General of National Defence (SGDN).
This employment is assigned to the Central Directorate of Information Systems Security (DCSSI), which is responsible for the facilitation and coordination of actions taken in the field of security of the Information systems in the public sector, at the regulatory, operational, scientific and technical levels.
The incumbent of the position is acting as Deputy Director " Throttling ".
The control subdirection is primarily Responsible for the following tasks:
-the implementation of the national regulatory authority functions entrusted to the DRMs in the field of security of information systems;
-participation in the definition of national policy on the Security of the information systems, its implementation and its evolution;
-monitoring of the international relations of the DCSSI;
-monitoring of the relations of the DCSSI with the manufacturers engaged in the field of security of the Information systems.
The sub-directorate has 22 officers, a majority of whom are Category A officers, and consists of four offices:
-the regulatory office responsible for conducting the definition and implementation of the Information systems security doctrine and the processing of security product registration files;
-the International Relations Office, which, in addition to the coordination of the international relations of the ISDCS, is Responsible for monitoring the work carried out within the European Union and international bodies in the field of security of information systems and promoting the French positions;
-the certification centre responsible for the implementation of the Work of the evaluation and certification scheme defined by Decree No. 2002-535 of 18 April 2002. As such, the certification centre ensures the monitoring and accreditation of the information systems security assessment centres, the certification of the products and systems evaluated by these centres and contributes to the management of the agreement International recognition of certificates " Common criteria " (ISO 15408);
-the Industrial Relations Office, responsible for ensuring CIISD's relations with companies in the information systems security sector Corporate Services for Industrial Policy Issues. It analyses the national, European and international industrial environment, both technological and commercial. He is also responsible for the enforcement of cryptology regulations.
The job holder animates, co-ordinates, plans and controls the activity of the sub-directorate. It is placed under the direct authority of the central director of information systems security and its assistants.
By the technicality of the files handled, this position requires a good knowledge of the field of information technology And an open mind to the scientific world. An excellent practice of the English language is also essential.
The incumbent will have to possess interpersonal skills and negotiating skills in view of the multiplicity and diversity of interlocutors in the
A high level of work capacity is required by the importance and diversity of the missions insured. In view of the nature of the missions, a spirit of synthesis and decision-making, as well as good editorial qualities, is strongly desired.
In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 55-1226 of 19 September 1955 on the conditions of Appointment and promotion in the posts of Head of Service, Deputy Director and Deputy Director of the Central Authorities of the State, applications, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, shall be forwarded by the hierarchical means to the The services of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Public Service and the reform of the State, the Directorate-General for Administration and the Public Service, 32 rue de Babylon, 75700 Paris, and the General Secretariat of National Defence, Direction of the general administration, 51, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg, 75700 Paris, within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal.