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Order Of December 17, 2004 Write-In On A List Of Suitable Candidates (Decentralized Services)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 17 décembre 2004 portant inscription sur une liste d'aptitude (services déconcentrés)

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2005
Text No. 20

Order of 17 December 2004 listing on a list of aptitude (decentralised services)

NOR: DEFP0401481A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence as of December 17, 2004, the Secretaries The following exceptional class administrative officers are listed on the eligibility list for accession to the rank of Administrative Service Attache of the Ministry of Defence's deconcentrated services for the year 2004
Navarro (Michèle), wife Minoret.
M. Borja (Michel).
Ms. Beaupuis (Chantal), wife Loé-Mi.
Ms. Aupriest (Chantal), wife Parnadeau.
Ms. Périgord (Claude), wife Tendel.

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