Key Benefits:
The Prime Minister,
On the Seal Care Report, Minister of Justice,
Given the code of the judicial organization, including articles R. 131-14 to R. 131-18;
In view of Act No. 2000-321 of 12 April 2000 on the rights of citizens in their relations with administrations, as amended by Act No. 2001-1168 of 11 December 2001 and by Act No. 2003-590 of 2 July 2003, in particular Article 2
; Conseil d' Etat (section of the interior) heard, Décrète:
The judicial organisation code (Regulatory part) is amended in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2 to 5 of this Decree.
Article R. 131-14 is thus amended:
I.-The first paragraph is supplemented by the words: " , especially within the documentation and studies department. ".
II. -The second paragraph shall be replaced by the following:
" They participate in the decision-making process as defined by the first President, in particular with regard to the automated processing of case-law. "
Article R. 131-16 is thus amended:
I.-The second paragraph is replaced by the following:
" The service is involved in the design of automated data processing Case law implemented by the Court of Cassation. "
II. -The third paragraph is deleted.
It is inserted after item R. 131-16, a R. 131-16-1 written as follows:
" Art. R. 131-16-1. -The documentation and studies department maintains a database bringing together, under the same nomenclature, the decisions and opinions of the Court of Cassation and the courts or judicial commissions placed with it, published or Not published in the monthly bulletins referred to in Article R. 131-17, on the other hand, decisions of particular interest by the other courts of the judicial system. For this purpose, judicial decisions of particular interest shall be communicated to the service, subject to the conditions laid down by a decree of the custody of seals, the Minister of Justice, by the first presidents of the courts of appeal or directly by The chairpersons or judges who lead the courts of the first degree.
The database is accessible to the public under the conditions applicable to the public service of the dissemination of the law by the Internet. "
Article R. 131-17 is replaced by the following:
" Art. R. 131-17. -The documentation and studies department draws up two monthly bulletins, one for the civil chambers, the other for the criminal chamber, in which the decisions and opinions whose publication has been decided by the President of the Training that made them. The service establishes periodic tables. "
The custody of the seals, Minister of Justice, is responsible for the execution of this Decree, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 7, 2005.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
By the Prime Minister:
The Seal Guard, Minister of Justice,
Dominique Perben