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Decree Of 7 January 2004 On The Delegation Of Signature

Original Language Title: Décret du 7 janvier 2004 portant délégation de signature

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2004 Page 771
Text No. 12

Signing delegation order of January 7, 2004

NOR: ECOP0300957D ELI: Not available

The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry,
In light of Law No. 77-1453 of 29 December 1977 granting procedural guarantees to the Taxpayers in tax and customs matters, including section 1;
Given the amended Order No. 47-233 of January 23, 1947, authorizing the ministers to delegate, by order, their signature;
In light of the amended Order in Council of December 29, 1962 General regulation on public accounts, in particular Articles 6 and 63;
Having regard to Decree No 78-636 of 12 June 1978 laying down the composition and operating conditions of the Committee on Fiscal Offences established by Article 1 The aforementioned Law of 29 December 1977, in particular Article 5;
In light of Decree No. 98-977 of 2 November 1998 concerning the Directorate-General for Public Accounts;
In the light of the decree of 5 November 1998 appointing directors to Headquarters;
In light of Decree No. 2002-893 of 15 May 2002 on the powers of the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry;
Given the decree of 17 June 2002 on the appointment of the Prime Minister;
Given the decree of the 17 June 2002 on the composition of the Government;
In view of the Order of 2 November 1998 on the organisation of the Directorate-General for Public Accounts;
In view of the Order of 2 November 1998 on the organisation of the sub-directorates of the General direction of public accounting;
Given the May 24, 2002 signing delegation order,

Article 1

Permanent signing delegation to refer the tax offences established by Article 1 of the The aforementioned Act of 29 December 1977 is given, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, to Mr. Jean Bassères, Director General of Public Accounts.

Article 2

In case of absence or incapacity of Mr. Jean Bassères, delegation is given to Mr. Dominique Lamiot, Chief of Service, to Nathalie Morin, Deputy Director, and to MM. Yves Buey, Etienne Effa, Bruno Soulié, Ollivier Gloux and Fabienne Dufay, under-directors, directly under the authority of Mr. Jean Bassères, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limit Of their duties, acts, orders, decisions or conventions.

Article 3

In the event of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères and Dominique Lamiot, delegation is given to Mr Jacques Marzin, contractual agent, to Mrs Marie-Paule Grémeaux, Regional Account Advisor, to Mr Roger Picard, the financial recipient, and to Mr Philippe Siméon-Drevon, Civil administrator, directly under the authority of Mr. Jean Bassères, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of their duties, acts, orders, decisions or Conventions.

Article 4

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères and Dominique Lamiot, Head of Service, delegation is given to Mr Philippe Rambal, Inspector of Finance, to MM. William Fréville and Renaud Houssaye, civil administrators, to Mr. Jacques Delmas, Regional Account Advisor, to Mr. Jean-Pierre Mazars, Receiver of Finance, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and The industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 5

In the event of absence or incapacity of Messrs. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, William Fréville and Renaud Houssaye, delegation is given to Mrs Sylvie Guillouet, Nicole Gay, Departmental Public Treasury Guidelines, to Mr Valéry Andrieux, Senior Inspector of the Treasury, and to Mrs Thérèse Dufour, the recipient of the Public Treasury, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of their duties, all acts relating to the performance of revenue and expenditure transactions in the Title of the budget for the Treasury and Special Account decentralised services 902-15.

Article 6

In case of absence or incapacity Of Messrs. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Jacques Delmas, delegation is given to Anthony Penhoat, principal central administrative officer, to the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and within the limits of his Duties, all acts and decisions.

Article 7

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Jean-Pierre Mazars, delegation is given to Mr Etienne Cardot, the departmental director of the public treasury, and to Mrs Anne Osmont of Amilly, principal central administrative officer, to the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 8

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Nathalie Morin, Deputy Director, delegation is given to Ms. Dominique Gontard, Ms. Karine Chanquoy-Jacquet, Ms. Claire Gallaccio and Mr. Stéphane Courtin, civilian administrators, to Ms. Françoise Chrysanthe and MM. Patrick Gandon, Philippe Gauthier, Finance recipients, MM. Eric Daas, Jacques Pic and Mme Valérie Michel-Moreaux, Françoise Tucoo, departmental directors of the public treasury, to Mr Didier Pierron, Chief Inspector of the Treasury, and to Mr Patrick Bourdier, Senior Administrative Attaché, at The effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 9

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Nathalie Morin, Dominique Gontard, Claire Gallaccio and Stéphane Courtin, delegation is given to Mr. Pascal Flamme, Chief Inspector of the Public Treasury, to sign on behalf of the Minister of The economy, finance and industry, and within the limits of its powers, acts and decisions, to Mr. Patrick Favaretto, recipient-collector of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, to the effect of signing on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry And within the limits of its powers, the notifications of decisions relating to the management of senior officials of the public treasury, and to Mr Patrick Taulou, inspector of the public treasury, to sign, on behalf of the Minister for the Economy, finance And within the limits of its powers, acts relating to the date and arrangements for the installation of the accounting officers of national public establishments.

Article 10

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Nathalie Morin, Philippe Gauthier and Françoise Tucoo, delegation is given to Ms. Françoise Motard, Ms. Agnès Davost and Ms. Joëlle Pereira, recipients of the Public Treasury, and Ms. Marion Lorne, Inspecting the public treasury, having the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 11

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Yves Buey, Deputy Director, Delegation to MM. Eric Barbier, François Mahéas and Mrs Anne-Marie Amigues, Fatima Azzaz, civil administrators, Ms Dominique Euriat, Administrator of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, MM. Christian Blondeel, Christian Fournand, Gérard Hilaire and Michel Lambert, financial recipients, to Miss Coralie Oudot and Mr. Raphaël Aurus, telecommunications engineers, to sign on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and The industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 12

In the event of absence or incapacity of Messrs. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Yves Buey, François Mahéas and Mrs. Fatima Azzaz, delegation is given to Mr. Daniel Guillier, Senior Treasurer of the Public Treasury, and to Ms. Claudine Lenotte, recipient, for signing on behalf of the Minister Of the economy, finance and industry, and within the limits of their powers, all acts relating to the execution of expenditure transactions charged to the IT budget of the Treasury's decentralised services.

Article 13

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Etienne Effa, Deputy Director, Delegation is given to MM. Gérard Poggioli, Alain Bidard and Christian Peyré, recipients of finance, Mr Bertrand Hess, civil administrator, and Mr Guy Cleaz-Savoyen, departmental director of the public treasury, to sign, on behalf of the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Of the industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 14

In the event of absence or incapacity of Messrs. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Etienne Effa, Christian Peyré and Bertrand Hess, delegation is given to Jean-Loup Guillier, departmental director of the public treasury, to the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry And within the limits of its powers, acts and decisions.

Article 15

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Etienne Effa, Gérard Poggioli and Alain Bidard, delegation is given to Mr Edgar-Frédéric Malleville, principal central administrative officer, and Mr Marc Jung, chief inspector of the public treasury, to sign, On behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 16

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Bruno Soulié, Deputy Director, Delegation to MM. Eric Nouvel, François Tanguy, Lionel Siret, Olivier Rouseau and Ms Huguette Allard, civil administrators, and Mr Guillaume Houriez, administrator of the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, and Mr. Guy L' Héréec, recipient of the Financial, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 17

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Bruno Soulié, Eric Nouvel and Guy L' Héréec, delegation is given to Mr Marc Rodriguez, Departmental Director of the Public Treasury, Mr Willy Wilczek, Senior Inspector of the Public Treasury, and Mr Blaise Belrose, Attaché Principal of central administration, having the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and within the limits of their powers, acts and decisions.

Article 18

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Bruno Soulié and Huguette Allard, delegation is given to Véronique Dimey, Senior Inspector of the Public Treasury, to sign on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and in the Limit of its powers, acts and decisions.

Article 19

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Bruno Soulié, François Tanguy and Olivier Rouseau, delegation is given to Mr Jean-Marc Verdier, departmental director of the public treasury, to Mr François Barras, departmental director of the public treasury, and to Mr Alain Legrand, Principal Treasurer of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 20

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Bruno Soulié and Guillaume Houriez, delegation is given to Jacqueline Blachon, principal central administrative officer, to the effect of signing on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and Within the limits of its powers, acts and decisions.

Article 21

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Bruno Soulié, delegation is given to Mr Eric Nouvel, civil administrator, to sign, for the service of public debt commitments and assimilated and within the limits of his powers, all acts relating to The execution of expenditure transactions charged to the corresponding budget chapters of the common budget expenses, and all acts relating to the performance of revenue and expenditure operations of Special Account 903-59, sub-accounts 592, 595 and 597, and all acts relating to the execution of compensation operations for Russian borrowings.

Article 22

In case of absence or To prevent Messrs. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Ollivier Gloux, Deputy Director, delegation is given to Ms Jacqueline Jacquemin and Mr Philippe Fauré, Finance recipients, to MM. Christian Laurent, Jean-Pierre Epiter and Ms. Armelle Degeneve, civil administrators, and Ms. Magali Valier, Senior Inspector of the Public Treasury, to sign on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and in the Limit of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 23

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Ollivier Gloux and Philippe Fauré, delegation is given to Mlles Claudine Le Doeuff and Annick Mignot, principal of central administration, to the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Of the industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 24

In the event of absence or incapacity of Messrs. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, and Mme Fabienne Dufay, Deputy Director, delegation is given to Mr. Jean-Pierre Le Coq, Receiver of Finance, to Mr. Dominique Dallo, contract agent, to Ms. Odile Lemarchand, Finance recipient, to Mr. Fernand Joder, Departmental director of the public treasury, Sylvie Vallon El Kadri, chief inspector of the public treasury, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of their powers, all acts and Decisions.

Article 25

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Jacques Marzin, contract agent, delegation is given to Mr. Jean-Paul Bléhaut, Receiver of Finance, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of his Duties, all acts and decisions.

Article 26

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot and Roger Picard, receiver of finance, delegation is given to Mme Françoise Guillarme, Departmental Director of the Public Treasury, and to Mr. Vincent Larrieu, Chief Inspector of the Public Treasury, to the effect of signing, to the Name of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and within the limits of their duties, acts and decisions.

Article 27

In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Jean Bassères, Dominique Lamiot, Philippe Siméon-Drevon, delegation is given to Mr Edouard Dussol, principal central administrative officer, to the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and within the limits of his Assignments, the orders of mission in France of personnel assigned to the central services of the Directorate-General for Public Accounts.

Section 28

The Order-in-Council of August 1, 2003 with delegated signing authority is repealed.

Section 29

The Minister of The economy, finance and industry is responsible for the implementation of this Decree, which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 7, 2004.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin

By the Prime Minister:

The Minister of Economy,

finance and industry,

Francis Mer

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