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Order Of December 31, 2002, Repealing The Decree Of April 19, 2000, Allowing The Company Kpn Eurovoice Bv To Provide Telephone Service To The Public

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 31 décembre 2002 abrogeant l'arrêté du 19 avril 2000 autorisant la société KPN Eurovoice BV à fournir le service téléphonique au public

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2003 Page 482
Text No. 14

Decree of 31 December 2002 repealing the order of 19 April 2000 authorising KPN Eurovoice BV to provide the telephone service to the public

NOR: INDI0220287A ELI:

Associate Minister for Industry,
Given the International Telecommunication Union Convention, the International Telecommunications Regulations and the Regulations Radiocommunications;
Given the postal code and telecommunications, and in particular Articles L. 33-1 and L. 34-1;
In view of the mail from the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority to KPN International Network Services as of date of 6 December 2002;
In view of Decision No. 2002-1177 of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of 19 December 2002 on the repeal of the order of 19 April 2000 authorising KPN Eurovoice BV to provide the telephone service To the public,

Article 1

The order of 19 April 2000 authorising KPN Eurovoice BV to provide telephone service to the public is Repealed.

Article 2

This Order will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, 31 December 2002.

Nicole Fontaine

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