Key Benefits:
By Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Minister of the Function And the reform of the State as of 4 January 2002, is authorised for the year 2002 the opening of competitions reserved for access to the following bodies:
Engineering staff of rural areas (Decree n ° 65-688 of 10 August 1965 amended) ;
Engineers of agricultural work (Decree n ° 65-690 of 10 August 1965 amended);
Water and Forestry Engineers (Decree No. 70-128 of 14 February 1970 as amended).
The total number of places offered for competitions will be fixed by order Ministers responsible for the budget, the public service, and agriculture and fisheries.
The deadline for filing the files is February 1, 2002.
The date of the tests, the composition of the jury and the list of candidates admitted to the They will be subject to an order from the Minister of Agriculture and
. -All information can be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Directorate-General for Administration, Competition Bureau), 78 rue de Varenne, 75349 Paris 07 SP (Telephone: 01-49-55-53-99).