Key Benefits:
Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of National Education, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and the Minister of Public Service and Reform The State,
In the light of the amended Act No. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants, Act No. 84-16 of 11 January 1984, as amended, amending the statutory provisions relating to the public service of the
; Decree No. 90-675 of 18 July 1990 amended on the specific statutes of inspectors of regional educational inspectors and inspectors of national education;
In view of the opinions of the Joint Ministerial Technical Committee of 29 June and 5 October 2001;
In view of the opinion of the Conseil supérieur de la fonction publique de l' Etat on 12 July 2001;
The Conseil d' Etat (finance section) heard,
Article 3 of the decree of 18 July 1990 referred to above is amended as follows:
I.-In the third paragraph, the word: Seven " Is replaced by the word: " Eight ".
II. -In the fourth paragraph, the words: 35 % " Are replaced by the words: " 40 % ".
The second, third and fourth paragraphs of section 6 of the Order are replaced by the following:
" May apply staff who meet on January 1 of the The year under which the competition is open, the following two conditions:
a) To be a public servant who holds a primary or secondary education, education or guidance or the body of management personnel Educational or training establishment under the responsibility of the Minister of National Education and having completed five years of effective service in these bodies;
(b) Be a holder of a licence or justify a recognized title or diploma Equivalent by joint decree of the ministers responsible for national education and the civil service or belonging to the body of certified teachers, the body of teachers of physical and sports education, the body of teachers of schools, the Body of professional high school teachers, the body of senior education advisers, the body of information and guidance centre directors and counsellors-psychologists or the body of management staff Educational or training institution reporting to the Minister of National Education. "
In Article 15 of the same decree, the word: " Seven " Is replaced by the word: " Eight ".
Article 16 of the same order, the words: " Three years " Are replaced by the words: " Two years and three months ".
Section 18 of the Order is replaced by the following:
" Art. 18. - May be placed in a position of secondment in the body of the inspectors of national education, within the limit of 5 % of the budget of the body, the officials holding the State, the local authorities and the Public establishments which depend on them, belonging to a body, a framework of employment or a category A job, justifying five years of effective service in their bodies, jobs or jobs and having reached a gross index at least equal to 457. "
The first three paragraphs of section 23 of the Order are replaced by the following:
" The competition, which takes into account the experience and pre-training of candidates, is open by Specialty. The list of specialties is laid down by a joint decree of the ministers responsible for national education and the public service.
May make an application for staff who meet on 1 January of the year in respect of which is Open the competition, the following two conditions:
(a) To be a public servant of one of the following bodies or ranks reporting to the Minister responsible for national education or to the Minister responsible for higher education: 2nd class universities, lecturers, master lecturers of the 1st class, senior professors, associate professors, teaching or training management staff of the 1st class and of the non-classroom belonging to the Minister of National Education and National Education Inspectors;
b) Have completed five years of full-time effective service or equivalent in teaching, direction or inspection duties. "
Section 28 of the Order is amended as follows:
I.-At 2 °, the words: " 1st Class, 2nd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class, " Are replaced by the words: " First Class ".
II. -At 3 °, the words: " Masters of out-of-class conferences, masters of first class conferences, " Are replaced by the words: " Conference masters, " And the words: " First class management personnel, 1st class, " Are replaced by the Words: " Executives out of class, ".
Section 31 of the Order is amended as follows:
I.-The 1 ° is replaced by the following:
" 1 ° Management staff of educational or training establishments reporting The Minister of National Education, belonging to the 1st class or to the outside class and justifying five years of effective service in that body; ".
II. -At 2 °, the words: " Masters of out-of-class conferences, masters of first class conferences, " Are replaced by the words: " Conference masters, " And the words: " Out-of-class professors " Are replaced by the words: " Teachers Aggregated ".
The provisions of this Decree shall take effect from the date of its publication, with the exception of the provisions of I of Article 1 and Articles 3 and 4 of this Decree, which shall take effect from On 1 January 2001, and those of Article 1, which shall take effect from 1 September 2001.
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the Minister of National Education, the Minister of Public Service and the Reform of the State, the Minister delegated to professional education, and The Secretary of State for the Budget shall each be responsible for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 7, 2002.
Lionel Jospin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Education National,
Jack Lang
Minister of Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Laurent Fabius
Public Service Minister
and state reform,
Michel Sapin
Associate Minister for Professional Education,
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Budget Secretary,
Florence Parly