Key Benefits:
The President of the Republic,
On the report of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence and the Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Given the Defence Code;
Given Decree No. 77-668 of 28 June 1977, as amended laying down the duties of the commander of the French forces stationed in Djibouti;
Having regard to Decree No. 2005-506 of 19 May 2005 laying down the powers of the Minister for Defence;
Given the decree n ° 2005-520 of 21 May 2005 laying down the duties of the chiefs of staff, Décrète:
Article 1 of the Decree of 28 June 1977 is replaced by the following provisions:
" Art. 1. -French forces stationed on the territory of the Republic of Djibouti are placed under the command of a general officer who bears the title of commander of the French forces stationed in Djibouti
The Chief of the Defence Staff.
He is assisted by three deputies, senior officers belonging to each of the armies. "
Section 2 of the Order is replaced by the following:
" Art. 2. - The commander of the French forces stationed in Djibouti has authority over the formations and elements of service of the three armies stationed within the territorial limits of his command
Granted, an employment authority on local bodies under the other directorates and services of the Ministry of Defence.
It may consent to signature delegations to its assistants referred to in Article 1 and to local officials of the Agencies on which he or she has an employment authority. "
Section 3 of the Order is supplemented by the following provisions:
" The commander of the French forces stationed in Djibouti is entitled to correspond with the military organs of the community The regional economy of which the Republic of Djibouti is a member. He holds the heads of the French diplomatic missions to the member countries of that community informed of the relations he maintains as such and of the movements which he may be led to carry out in those countries. "
The Prime Minister, the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Foreign Affairs shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 5, 2007.
Jacques Chirac
By the President of the Republic:
The Prime Minister,
Dominique de Villepin
The Minister of Defence,
Michèle Alliot-Marie
The Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Philippe Douste-Blazy