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Decree Of 30 December 2004 Repealing Certain Provisions Of The Decree Of 18 November 1993 Establishing The Extent Of The Areas And The Easements Apply Around Receiving Centres Of Toulouse-Lafilaire, Toulouse-Head Of Network, Toulouse-Mirail, R...

Original Language Title: Décret du 30 décembre 2004 abrogeant certaines dispositions du décret du 18 novembre 1993 fixant l'étendue des zones et les servitudes applicables autour des centres récepteurs de Toulouse-Lafilaire, Toulouse-Tête de Réseau, Toulouse-Mirail, R...

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2005 Page 384
Text No. 17

Decree of 30 December 2004 repealing certain provisions of the Decree of 18 November 1993 fixing the extent of the zones and easements applicable around the Toulouse-Lafilaire receiving centres, Toulouse-Head of the Network, Toulouse-Mirail, Revel, Baziège, Villefranche-de-Lauragais, Balma-Carso, Caraman, Tarabel, Beauville, Labastide-Beauvoir and Labège-Innopole (Haute-Garonne) for the protection of radio receptions against disturbances Electromagnetic

NOR: INDI0420748D ELI: Not available

By Order dated December 30, 2004, the provisions of the November 18 Order in Council 1993 fixing the extent of the zones and easements applicable around the Toulouse-Lafilaire receiving centres, Toulouse-Tête de Réseau, Toulouse-Mirail, Revel, Baziège, Villefranche-de-Lauragais, Balma-Carso, Caraman, Tarabel, Beauville, Labastide-Beauvoir and Labège-Innopole (Haute-Garonne) for the protection of radio receptions against electromagnetic disturbances are repealed with regard to the protection zones and the guard zones established around the Toulouse-Mirail, Revel, Villefranche-de-Lauragais and Labastide-Beauvoir radio reception centres.

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