Key Benefits:
By order of the President of the Republic dated 31 December 2003, are Approved the elections by the Academy of Sciences of the following members:
M. Thierry Aubin.
M. Laurent Lafforgue.
M. Marc Yor.
Mr. Guy Laval.
Mr. Jean Dalibard.
Mechanical Sciences
M. Marcel Lesieur.
M. Philippe Flajolet.
Sciences of the Universe
Mr. Jacques Laskar.
M. Vincent Courtillot.
Mr. Pierre Sinay.
M. Michel Rohmer.
Cell and Molecular Biology
M. Joël Bockaert.
M. Daniel Louvard.
Animal and Plant Biology
M. Alain Berthoz.
M. Alain Prochiantz.
Human Biology and Medical Sciences
Ms. Dominique Meyer.
M. Jean-Didier Vincent.
Intersection of Science Applications
M. Mathias Fink.
M. Gérard Le Fur.
M. Robert Guillaumont.
Molecular Immunology
M. Bernard Malissen.
M. Gérard Ferey.
Modeling Complex systems in biology
M. Pierre Auger.
Physics and Biology: instrumentation
M. Denis Le Bihan.
Water Sciences (hydrology)
M. Ghislain De Marsily.
Signal, automatic and control
Mr. Alain Bensoussan.