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Decision Of 16 July 2002 Relating To Independent Networks And Spectrum Resources

Original Language Title: Décision du 16 juillet 2002 relatives à des réseaux indépendants et à des ressources en fréquences

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2003 Page 450
Text No. 97

Decision of 16 July 2002 on independent networks and frequency resources

NOR: ARTL0200396S ELI: Not available

By Decision No. 2002-557 dated July 16, 2002, issued by the Authority of Regulation of telecommunications, a frequency in the band 8-8.5 GHz is attributed to the association Los Estuflaïres sur la zone de Cordes, for the transport of the CFM programme, within the framework of the authorisation granted to it by Decision No. 2000-254 of 13 June 2000 of the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel.

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