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Decision Of 11 July 2002 On An Independent Network

Original Language Title: Décision du 11 juillet 2002 relative à un réseau indépendant

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2003 Page 450
Text N ° 96

Decision of 11 July 2002 on an independent network

NOR: ARTL0200374S ELI: Not available

By Decision No. 2002-533 dated July 11, 2002, issued by the Authority of Regulation of telecommunications, the Airbus France company is authorised to establish and operate an independent telecommunications network for shared use in Haute-Garonne (31). This shared use is reserved for the needs of the closed user group made up of Airbus France and the following establishments:
Subsidiaries Airbus;
Company EADS;
Subsidiaries EADS;
Société Avenance;
Société Teuchos ;
Transicial Society;
Seditech Company;
Taxiway Company;
Civil Aviation Branch (as part of the sharing of airport fire safety).
The use of the network by subcontractors, trainees, Acting and other persons present on the Airbus Toulouse sites is limited to the requirements relating to aeronautical activities.

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