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Decision Of 2 July 2002 Relating To Independent Networks And Spectrum Resources

Original Language Title: Décision du 2 juillet 2002 relatives à des réseaux indépendants et à des ressources en fréquences

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2003 Page 448
Text N ° 95

Decision of 2 July 2002 on Independent Networks and Spectrum Resources

NOR: ARTL0200362S ELI: Not available

By Decision No. 2002-520 dated July 2, 2002, issued by the Authority of Regulation of telecommunications, Channel No 97 of Plan 38 A, as defined in the amended Order of 7 October 1994 laying down the general conditions for the authorisation of radio networks independent of the fixed service, is attributed to the Centre Moulins-Yzeure hospital, replacing channel 27 of Plan 23 D previously allocated, as part of the authorisation granted to it by the decree of 18 September 1996.

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