Key Benefits:
The Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel,
In view of the amended Act No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, and in particular Article 22;
In view of Decision No. 87-23 Of 6 March 1987 of the Commission nationale de la communication et des libertés, as amended by Decision No. 90-829 of 7 December 1990, defining the technical conditions for the use of frequencies for the broadcasting of sound broadcasting signals in Frequency modulation;
In light of Decision No. 2000-442 of January 18, 2000, renewal of the authorization issued to the Association Radio le Coyroye de la Bruche for the operation of a radio broadcasting service Land in frequency modulation entitled RCB Valley radio;
Given the application by the association Radio le Coyroye de la Bruche on March 27, 2002;
After having deliberated,
Section 2 of Decision No. 2000-442 of January 18, 2000 is amended as follows:
" The aforementioned association shall be Authorised to use the frequency referred to in the Annex, in accordance with the aforementioned Convention and the Annexes to this Decision. "
Is added to Decision 2000-442 of January 18, 2000 referred to in the following Annex:
"A N N E X E I I
" Using the Subcarrier
You can view the table in the OJ
n ° 6, 08/01/2003 page 435
This decision will be published in the Journal Official of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 3, 2002.
For the Audio-Visual Higher Council:
The President,