Key Benefits:
Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation, Housing, Tourism and the Sea,
Given the Code of Expropriation for Public Utility, In particular Article L. 11-5;
Having regard to the Decree of 9 January 1998 declaring the construction of the motorway A 150 Barentin-Croix-Mare as public utility, amending the decree of 16 January 1991 declaring public and urgent utility the Construction work on the Le Havre-A 28 section of the A 29 motorway and the compatibility of the land use plans of the municipalities of Barentin, Roumare and Villers-Ecalles;
The State Council (section of public works) Heard,
The period provided for in Article 2 of the aforementioned decree of 9 January 1998 to carry out the expropriations necessary for the Completion of work is extended until January 10, 2013.
The Minister of Equipment, Transportation, Housing, Tourism and the sea is responsible for the execution of this Decree, which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 7, 2003.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Equipment, Transport,
for housing, tourism, and the sea,
Gilles de Robien