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Decree Of 26 December 2002 Extending The Validity Of A Permit Of Marine Sands

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 26 décembre 2002 prorogeant la validité d'un permis d'exploitation de sables marins

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2003 419 page
Text #11

Order dated December 26, 2002 extending the validity of a marine sand operation permit

NOR: INDI0200852A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister delegated to industry as of December 26, 2002, the The validity of the marine sands licence Permit des Charpintegers " Granted to companies, joint and solidary, SA Compagnie européenne de transports de l' Atlantique (CETRA), SA Les Sablières de l' Atlantique, SARL Les Sabliers assembled Of the Loire (SARELO), is extended in a scope and an area unchanged until it is decided on the request for concession " Charpintegers " Filed on 15 April 2002.

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