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Order Of 7 January 2002 Relative To The Composition Of The Cabinet Of The Prime Minister

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 7 janvier 2002 relatif à la composition du cabinet du Premier ministre

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2002 Page 489
Text No. 40

Decree of 7 January 2002 on the composition of the Prime Minister's Office

NOR: PRMX0205304A ELI: Not available

The Prime Minister,
Given the amended Order No. 48-1233 of July 28, 1948, amending the Public Administration Regulations with respect to ministerial cabinets;
Given the June 2 Order in Council 1997 appointing the Prime Minister,

Item 1

Effective January 9, 2002, the position of Technical Advisor to the Office of the Prime Minister of Mr Robert Gelli, called to other functions.

Article 2

This Order shall be published in the Official Journal of the Republic French.

Done at Paris, January 7, 2002.

Lionel Jospin

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