Key Benefits:
The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of the Interior,
In light of Decree No. 47-233 of 23 January 1947, as amended authorizing the ministers to delegate, by order, their Signature;
In light of Decree No. 85-1057 of 2 October 1985 on the organization of the central administration of the Ministry of the Interior;
Given the decree of 2 June 1997 appointing the Prime Minister;
In the light of the decree of 4 June 1997 as amended on the composition of the Government;
In the light of the decree of 14 September 2000 appointing a director to the central administration of the Ministry of the Interior;
In view of the decree of 18 May 1983 concerning the organisation and The responsibilities of the local authority branch;
Given the September 25, 2000 signing delegation order,
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr. Dominique Bur, Director General of Local Communities, Mr. François Lucas, Head of Service, has delegated to sign, within the limits of the duties of Mr. Dominique Bur, all acts, orders and decisions.
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr. Dominique Bur, Director General of Local Communities, and Mr. François Lucas, Head of Service, directly under the authority of Mr. Dominique Bur, MM. Edward Jossa, Evence Richard and Claude Girault, sub-directors, delegation to sign acts, orders and decisions, within the limits of their duties.
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr. Edward Jossa, Deputy Director of Local Finance and Economic Action, Ms. Martine Laquièze, Civilian Administrator, Directly Under The authority of Mr. Edward Jossa, has delegated to sign all acts, orders and decisions within the limits of the same duties.
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr. Edward Jossa and Ms. Martine Laquièze, Mr. Gilles Romano, Civilian Administrator, Head of Local Taxation Office, Mr. Arnaud Phelep, Civilian Administrator, Head of the Office of Financial Competitions Of the State, Mr Laurent Nunez, civil administrator, head of the office of local budgets and financial analysis, Mr Pierre Laugeay, civil administrator, head of the Office of Economic Affairs and Spatial Planning, and Mrs Françoise Taheri, chief executive officer of central administration, head of the transfer finance office, directly under the authority of Mr. Edward Jossa, delegation to sign current decisions and correspondence, in the Limit of their respective powers.
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr Arnaud Phelep, civil administrator, MM. Guillaume Chabert and David Clavière, civil administrators, directly under the authority of Mr Arnaud Phelep, have delegated to sign current decisions and correspondence within the limits of their respective powers.
In the absence or incapacity of Mr. Evence Richard, Deputy Director of Local and Territorial Public Service, Mr. Jean-Luc Frizol, civil administrator, directly under the authority of Mr Evence Richard, has delegated to sign the acts, orders and decisions, within the same remit.
In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Evence Richard and Jean-Luc Frizol, Ms Nathalie Colin, civil administrator, head of the office of local elected officials, the recruitment and training of territorial staff, Mr Vincent Soetemont, civil administrator, head of the Bureau of the statutes and The regulation of territorial staff, and Ms Anne Laparre-Lacassagne, head of the central administration, head of the office of territorial employment and social protection, directly under the authority of Mr Evence Richard, have Delegation to sign current decisions and correspondence, within their respective responsibilities.
In Absence or incapacity of Mr. Claude Girault, Deputy Director of Skills and Local Institutions, Mr. Jacques Renard, a civil administrator, directly under the authority of Mr. Claude Girault, has delegated to sign all acts, arrested And decisions, within the limits of the same powers.
In case of absence or incapacity of MM. Claude Girault and Jacques Renard, Mr Hubert Blaison, civil administrator, head of the Office for the Control of Legality and the Legal Counsel, Mr Vincent Niquet, civil administrator, Head of the Office of Territorial Structures, Mr Eric Freysselinard, Civil administrator, head of the local public services office, and Mr. Patrick Lasserre, principal central administrative officer, head of the office of development operations, town planning and habitat, directly under the authority of Mr. Claude Girault, delegation to sign current decisions and correspondence, within the limits of their respective duties.
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr. Dominique Bur, Director General of Local Communities, Mr. Jean-Pierre Le Gléau, Director of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, Head of the Department of Local studies and statistics, has delegated to sign acts, orders and decisions, within the limits of its powers.
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr. Dominique Bur, Director General of the local communities, Mr. François Chambon and Ms. Christine Boehler, civil administrators, directly under the authority of Mr. Dominique Bur, have Delegation to sign, within the limits of their powers, acts, orders and decisions.
In case of absence or Mr. François Chambon and Ms. Christine Boehler, civil administrators, Mr. Christian Climent-Pons, Senior Central Administrative Officer, and Mr. Karim Kerzazi, Central Administrative Attaché, directly under the authority of Mr Michel Papaud, has delegated to sign, within the limits of their powers, current decisions and correspondence.
The Order-in-Council of July 24, 2001 with delegated signing authority is repealed.
The Minister of the Interior Is responsible for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 7, 2002.
Lionel Jospin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of the Interior,
Daniel Winning