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Notice Of The Decision Of The National Union Of The Insurance Funds With Setting The Rate Of Participation Of The Insured Applicable To Pharmaceutical Specialities

Original Language Title: Avis relatif à la décision de l'Union nationale des caisses d'assurance maladie portant fixation des taux de participation de l'assuré applicables à des spécialités pharmaceutiques

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JORF No. 5 of 6 January 2006 Page 285
Text No. 106

Opinion on the decision of the Union nationale des caisses d' health insurance fixing the participation rates for pharmaceutical specialities

NOR: SANS0524752V ELI: Not available

By Decision of the Director General of the National Union of Insurance Cases Sickness as of 30 September, 14 December and 30 December 2005, the insured participation rates applicable to the following specialities shall be fixed as follows:

Under Article R. 322-1 (7 °)
(in its Drafting prior to the entry into force of Decree No. 2004-1490 of 30 December 2004)

You can consult the table in OJ
No 5 of 06/01/2006 text number 106

Under Article R. 322-1 (5 °)
(in its editorial prior to the coming into force of Decree No. 2004-1490 of 30 December 2004)

You can consult the table in OJ
No 5 of 06/01/2006 text number 106

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