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Competition Notice For The Admission Of Younger Doctors In Schools Of Military Health Service In 2005 ("second Year Undergraduate Medical Studies" Category)

Original Language Title: Competition notice for the admission of doctors cadets in schools of military health service in 2005 ("second year undergraduate medical studies" category)

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JORF No. 5 of 7 January 2005 Page 357
Text N ° 94

Notice of competition for admission of medical officers to the military health service schools in 2005 (category " Second year of the first cycle of medical studies ")

NOR: DEFK0401474V ELI: Not available

In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2004-535 of 14 June 2004 establishing certain Provisions applicable to medical students, pharmacists, veterinarians and dental surgeons in the military health service schools, a competition is open to second-year students in the first cycle of medical studies (PCEM 2) for The admission, in 2005, in the third year of schooling in the schools of the health service of the armed forces as medical officer cadets.
The branches of the health service of the armed forces whose addresses are listed below are responsible for the Collection of registration files:
Health Services Branch:
-en région terre Ile-de-France, Headquarters of Loges, BP 220, 00492 Armées;
-en région terre Nord-Est, Barracks Ney, BP 18, 57998 Metz Armées;
-en région Land Sud-Ouest, 5, rue Saint-Nicolas, BP 27, 33998 Bordeaux Armées;
-en région terre Sud-Est, 1 bis, place Bellevue, BP 16, 69998 Lyon Armées;
-en région terre Nord-Ouest, quartier Foch, BP 16, 35998 Rennes Armées;
-en région Maritime Atlantic, BP 41, 29240 Brest Armées;
-en région maritime Méditerranée, 1, rue Hyppolyte-Duprat, BP 80, 83800 Toulon Armées.
The deadline for submission of applications is March 31, 2005 (postmark Faith).

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