Key Benefits:
Pursuant to Article L. 133-8 of the Labour Code, the Minister of Employment, of the Work and social cohesion envisages taking an order to make mandatory, for all employers and all employees falling within their scope, the provisions of the following endorsements.
The texts of these Amendments have been tabled to the departmental management of labour, employment and vocational training at the place of their conclusion, where they can be read.
Within 15 days, professional organisations And all interested persons are asked to provide their comments and opinions on the proposed generalisation.
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion (DRT, NC 1), 39-43, Quai André-Citroën, 75902 Paris Cedex 15.
Texts whose extension is envisaged:
Avenant n ° 10 of 9 November 2004;
Avenant n ° 11 of 9 November 2004;
Avenant n ° 12 of 9 November 2004.
Direction départementale du travail, de l' emploi et de la formation professionnelle de Paris.
Avenant n ° 10: departure et mise à retirement;
Avenant n ° 11: vocational training;
No. 12: contribution à la Professional training.
National Confederation of Retailers, Retailers and Artisans of Confectionery, Chocolate, Biscuiterie;
Trade union organizations interested in CGT-FO, CFDT, CFE-CGC and CFTC.