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Arrêté du 23 décembre 2004 portant attribution du brevet technique d'études militaires générales

Original Language Title: Decree of 23 December 2004 awarding the technical patent of general military studies

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JORF No. 5 of 7 January 2005 Page 343
Text No. 61

Decree of 23 December 2004 on the award of the technical patent for general military studies

NOR: DEFT0401471A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defense dated December 23, 2004, the patent General Military Studies Technical is assigned, effective December 1, 2004, to the following officers designated:

Weapons Officer Corps

You can consult the Table in OJ
n ° 5 of 07/01/2005 text number 61

Special Framework Officer Corps

You can view the table in OJ
n ° 5 of 07/01/2005 text number 61

Technical and Administrative Officer Corps

You can view the table in OJ
n ° 5 of 07/01/2005 text number 61

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