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Notice Of Competition On Titles For The Recruitment Of A Hospital Engineer In Chief Of 1St Class, 2Nd Class

Original Language Title: Avis de concours sur titres pour le recrutement d'un ingénieur hospitalier en chef de 1re catégorie, 2e classe

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JORF No. 5 of 7 January 2004 Page 665
Text No. 117

Notice of Competition on Securities for Recruitment d' 1st Class Chief Hospital Engineer, 2nd Class

NOR: SANH0325111V ELI: Not available

A title contest is open at the interdepartmental hospital Clermont-de-l ' Oise (Oise), under the conditions laid down by Article 6 (a) of Decree No. 91-868 of 5 September 1991, as amended relating to the special status of the technical staff of the hospital public service, for the purpose of staffing 1 position of engineer Head hospital, 1st category, 2nd class, option: architecture, vacant at this institution.
May apply the persons fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 5 of Law No. 83-634 of 13 July 1983. Rights and obligations of civil servants, aged 45 not more than 1 January of the year of the competition and having one of the diplomas or diplomas required by the amended decree of 23 October 1992 setting out the list of titles or diplomas allowing access to the Competition for hospital professional titles.
Alternatively, nationals of the Member States of the European Community or of another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area which complies with the The conditions laid down in Article 5a of the Act of 13 July 1983, above, holders of an engineer's degree or diploma issued in one of these states.
Assimilation of a European engineering diploma with one of the titles or diplomas of the 23 October 1992 for the purposes of this Decree must first be recognised by the committee provided for by Decree No. 94-616 of 21 July 1994 as amended concerning assimilation for access to competitions or examinations of the civil service A hospital of securities or diplomas awarded in other Member States of the European Community or in another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
The above mentioned age limit shall be deleted or withdrawn in accordance with The legislative or regulatory provisions in force.
Applications to compete must be submitted, at least one month before the date of the competition, in writing (the postmark), to the director of the centre Inter-departmental hospital of Clermont-de-l 'Oise (Directorate of Human Resources, Department of Competition and Professional Examination), 2 rue des Finets, 60607 Clermont-de-l' Oise Cedex, from which all the information can be obtained Complementary to the constitution of the case, the date and place of the contest.

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