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Professional Poster On Titles For The Recruitment Of Senior Health

Original Language Title: Avis de concours professionnels sur titres pour le recrutement de cadres supérieurs de santé

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JORF No. 5 of 7 January 2004 Page 661
Text No. 113

Notices of professional competition for the recruitment of senior health professionals

NOR: SANH0325061V ELI: Not available

A professional credential contest will take place at the Tivoli retirement home, at the Bouscat (Gironde), pursuant to Article 10 of Decree No. 2001-1375 of 31 December 2001 on the special status of the body of the health officials of the hospital public service, with a view to staffing 1 position of senior health nurse
may be candidates for the health care nurses of the institutions referred to in Article 2 of Title IV of the general status of employees with at least three years of effective service in the rank of Or in the rank of supervisor.
Applications must be sent in writing (the postmark) to the Director of the Tivoli Pension House, 148 Tivoli Avenue, 33110 Le Bouscat, within two months As from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal.
Registration files will be returned by the date fixed by the organising institution, from which all additional information can be obtained For the constitution of the case, the dates and places of the contest.

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