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Order Of 14 November 2005 Amending The Decree Of 25 February 2005 Laying Down The List Of Operators To Which Are Assigned Quotas Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions And The Amount Of Allocated Quotas

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 14 novembre 2005 modifiant l'arrêté du 25 février 2005 fixant la liste des exploitants auxquels sont affectés des quotas d'émission de gaz à effet de serre et le montant des quotas affectés

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JORF No. 4 of 5 January 2006 Page 183
Text No. 21

Order of 14 November 2005 amending the decree of 25 February 2005 fixing the list of operators to whom greenhouse gas emission allowances are allocated and the amount of allowances allocated

NOR: DEVP0540434A ELI:

Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development,
In view of Directive 2003 /87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a system of exchange of Greenhouse gas emission allowances in the Community and amending Council Directive 96 /61/EC;
In view of the environmental code, in particular Articles L. 229-5 to L. 229-19;
Given Decree No. 2004-832 of 19 August 2004, as amended by the Decree No. 2005-189 of 25 February 2005, adopted for the application of Articles L. 229-5 to L. 229-19 of the Environment Code and relating to the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme;
Given the decree n ° 2005-190 of 25 February 2005 Approving the national plan for the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances for the period 2005-2007;
In view of the decree of 25 February 2005 laying down the list of operators to which greenhouse gas emission allowances are allocated And the amount of the quotas affected;
Having regard to the order of 13 June 2005 amending the decree of 25 February 2005;
Having regard to the order of 14 June 2005 amending the decree of 25 February 2005;
Having regard to the order of 29 July 2005 amending the order On February 25, 2005,

Item 1

I. -Annex I to the decree of 25 February 2005 removed from the list of operators and installations Concerned the installations whose names, the identification for the classified installations, the city and the department were mentioned as follows:

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II. -Annex I to the decree of 25 February 2005 mentioned above, in the list of operators and installations concerned, names of operators, identifications for classified installations, names of establishments, cities and sectors are Modified as follows:
-the line for the facility of the Hospital Centre, Purpan site (ICPE Establishment No. 068 02942), is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line concerning the installation of the hospital Centre hospitalier, site of Rangueil (ICPE establishment number 068 03406), is deleted and Replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of the business AéroLyon (n ° ICPE 061 04128) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the row Concerning the installation of the company DALKIA France (No. of establishment ICPE 070 01170) is deleted and replaced by the line below:

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-The installation line for Production and Thermal Distribution (PRODITH) (ICPE establishment number 061 04159) is deleted and replaced with the following line:

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-the line for the installation of DALKIA France (ICPE establishment number 070 01023) is Deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for installing the enterprise Euro Disney SCA (ICPE 065 00510) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of the company Teintureries de Champagne (ICPE Establishment No. 057 02106) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of HOLCIM France (ICPE establishment number 059 00878) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of the company DALKIA France (ICPE establishment number 058 02195) is deleted and replaced by the Line below:

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-the line for installing BP Lavera SNC (n ° ICPE 064 00934) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the row Concerning the installation of Honeywell Performance Fibers (Establishment No. ICPE 062 00339) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of DALKIA France (ICPE establishment number 061 01213) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of the business OTOR Stationery Stationery (ICPE establishment number 059 00491) is deleted And replaced by the following line:

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-the line for installing the West OM enterprise Energy (ICPE establishment number 065 03198) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-la Line concerning the installation of the company Papeteries Matussière and Forest (point of establishment ICPE 061 02920) is deleted and replaced by the line below:

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-the line for the installation of the Matussière and Forest Papeteries (point of establishment ICPE 061 02900) is deleted and replaced by the line below:

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-the line for the installation of the company Polimeri Europa France SNC (No. 02326) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for installing Roquettes Textiles (ICPE 070 00486) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of Le Cabanon (ICPE Establishment No. 064 01238) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line concerning the installation of the company COFATECH Coriance (ICPE establishment number 065 06138), is deleted and replaced by the line below:

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-the line for the installation of Smurfit Socar (ICPE 100 00042) is deleted and Replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of Smurfit Socar (ICPE establishment number 058 00325) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the row Concerning the installation of the company SNECMA Moteurs (ICPE establishment number 065 01956) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for installing the SNECMA Carrier engines (ICPE establishment number 065 06277) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of the company Dalkia France (ICPE establishment number 059 00006) is deleted and replaced by the line below :

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-the line concerning the installation of the company New Company of Letico (establishment no. ICPE 065 05700) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for The installation of the company Solvay Electrolysis France (point of establishment ICPE 059 02579) is deleted and replaced by the line below:

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-the line for the installation of the UNALIT (ICPE establishment number 054 01087) is deleted and replaced by the following line:

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-the line for the installation of the company Tarnaise des Panneaux SAS (ICPE establishment number 068 02298) is deleted and replaced by the line Below:

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Item 2

I. -In Annex III of the decree of 25 February 2005, the lines and the table corresponding to the pooling granted at the request of SOCCRAM (selected representative: Mr. Thierry Dumortier) are deleted.
II. -In Annex III to the decree of 25 February 2005 mentioned above, in the paragraph on the pooling of the installations of the ERAMET group, the words: " Mr Hubert Gentou, ERAMET, Directorate for Procurement " Are replaced by the words: " Mr. Alfred Rosales, Eramet, Director of Energy Procurement ".
III. -In Annex III of the decree of 25 February 2005 mentioned above, in the paragraph relating to the pooling of the facilities of the ELYO group, the line concerning the installation of the company Ouest OM Energie (Establishment no. And replaced by the following line:

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Article 3

The Director of Pollution Prevention and Risk is responsible for the execution of this Order, which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, November 14, 2005.

For the Minister and by delegation:

The Director of the

Pollution and Risk Prevention,

Risk Associate Major,

T. Found

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