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Decree Of 22 December 2005 Amending The Decree Of January 7, 2000 On The Institution Of Recipes And Boards Of Imprest From Some Cultural Centres Abroad

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 22 décembre 2005 modifiant l'arrêté du 7 janvier 2000 relatif à l'institution de régies de recettes et de régies d'avances auprès de certains centres culturels à l'étranger

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JORF No. 4 of 5 January 2006 Page 170
Text #9

Decree of 22 December 2005 amending the decree of 7 January 2000 on the institution of revenue authorities and imprest accounts with certain cultural centres abroad

NOR: MAEA0520508A ELI:

By order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs as of 22 December 2005, the table annexed to the Decree of 7 January 2000 on the institution of imprest accounts and imprest accounts with certain cultural centres abroad is amended as follows:
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No 4 of 05/01/2006 text Number 9

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