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Record Of A Decree Inclusion On A List Of Suitable Candidates As A Nurse Firefighters

Original Language Title: Notice of a decree inclusion on a list of suitable candidates as a nurse firefighters

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JORF No. 4 of 6 January 2005
Text No. 63

Notice for an Order listing on a list of firefighters, firefighters, and firefighters

NOR: INTE0400955V ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Freedoms Local as of December 23, 2004, are listed in alphabetical order on the list of professional fire-fire nurses (2004 session) of the twenty-seven candidates whose names follow:
Assouvie (Karelle).
Baux (Jean-Michel).
Chatenay (Karine).
Compagnat (Christophe).
Cornolle (Virginie).
Esteve (David).
Georges (Philippe).
Geraud (Hélène).
Gonneau (Gilbert).
Horter (Delphine).
Lasserre (Arnaud).
The Neouanic (Laurent).
Lefevre (Cedric).
Loisy (Yann).
Magniez (Marc).
Mailly (Valérie).
Muller (Denis).
Nelson (Marjorie).
Ouvrard (Romain).
Pilorget (Franck).
Robert (Yann).
Rossi-d ' Angelo (Sandra).
Saez (Valérie).
Secondi (Philippe).
Tielemans (Eric).
Tillard (Laetitia).
Viale (Sébastien).
The validity of the entry on this list of fitness is limited to three years from the publication of this notice in the Journal Official of the French Republic.

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