Key Benefits:
The Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel,
In view of Act No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, in particular Articles 28 and 42;
In view of Decision No. 96-746 of 29 October 1996 published in the Official Journal of 30 November 1996, renewed by Decision No 2000-682 of 10 April 2000, published in the Official Journal of 24 November 2000, authorising SARL Radio PLJ to operate a broadcasting service Frequency modulation sound called Rock FM;
Given the agreement signed between SARL Radio PLJ and the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel, in particular Articles 14 and 21;
Considering that it is apparent from Article 21 of the abovementioned Convention That the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel may call on the operator to comply with its contractual obligations;
Whereas, under Article 14 of the abovementioned Convention, the operator is obliged to communicate to the Council Prior to 31 July of each year, a report on the conditions for the implementation of its obligations with the balance sheet and result accounts for the last financial year ended;
Considering that, by letter dated 13 June And of 6 August 2003, the Lyon Technical Radio Technical Committee invited SARL Radio PLJ to provide a report on the conditions for fulfilling its obligations with the balance sheet and result accounts for the financial year 2002; that, despite these Mail, SARL Radio PLJ has still not provided the requested documents,
SARL Radio PLJ is notified within eight days of notification of this To provide, before 31 July of each year, to the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel a report on the conditions for the implementation of its obligations, together with the balance sheet and results accounts of the last financial year, in accordance with Article 14 of its Convention.
This Decision, which will be notified to SARL Radio PLJ, will be published in the Journal Official of the French public.
Done at Paris, December 9, 2003.
For the Audio-Visual Higher Council:
The President,