Key Benefits:
Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Minister of Equipment, Transportation, Housing, Tourism and the Sea, Minister of Labour And the Minister Delegate to the Budget and Budget Reform,
In view of Decree No. 2002-524 of 16 April 2002 establishing the new indicial improvement in favour of staff Performing functions of higher responsibility in the central services, national-level services and decentralised services of the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Housing, Tourism and the Sea;
Given the Decree No. 2003-789 of 22 August 2003 on the conditions for appointment and advancement in the employment of the Inspector General of Transport Labour;
In view of the decree of 16 April 2002 laying down the conditions for the allocation of the new index subsidy in Central services, national-level services and decentralised services of the Ministry of equipment, transport, housing, tourism and the sea exercising higher responsibility functions;
Given the decree of 22 September 2003 organizing the Road Traffic Safety and Traffic Directorate,
The third paragraph of B of the Annex to the Order of 16 April 2002 is amended as follows: 1 June 2003:
3 ° Regional or departmental delegate of equipment:
You can consult the table in OJ
No 4 of 06/01/2004 page 421 to 422
The fifth paragraph of A of the Annex to the decree of 16 April 2002 is completed as of 22 August 2003:
5 ° Head of Service, Assistant Director and Deputy Interdepartmental Deputy:
You can view the table in OJ
No 4, 06/01/2004 page 421 to 422
The sixth paragraph of A of the Annex to the Order of 16 April 2002 is completed as of September 22, 2003:
6 ° Deputy Director:
You can view the table in OJ
No 4, 06/01/2004 page 421 to 422
This Order will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 16, 2003.
The Minister of Equipment, Transport,
for Housing, Tourism and the Sea,
Gilles de Robien
The Minister of Economics,
Finance and Industry,
Francis Mer
The Minister of the Public Service,
and Spatial Planning,
Jean-Paul Delevoye
The Minister Delegate to
budget and budget reform,
Alain Lambert