Key Benefits:
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry,
In light of Decree No. 81-776 of 12 August 1981 establishing a competition fund for the operation of the National School of Statistics and economic administration;
Having regard to Decree No 94-525 of 27 June 1994 amending the organisation of the Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics;
In the light of the decree of 2 February 1993 laying down the arrangements for connecting By means of aid funds paid as tuition fees or tuition fees at the National School of Statistics and Economic Administration;
In view of the Decree of 4 December 2002 laying down the conditions for the admission of pupils Non-public servants in the National School of Statistics and Analysis of Information,
Candidates applying for admission as full students to the national school group Economy and statistics are required to pay the following registration fees:
For the Ecole Nationale de la statistique et de l' administration économique:
-mathematical option competition: 40 EUR;
-competition option economy: 60 EUR;
For the Ecole Nationale de la statistique et de l' analyse de l' information:
-mathematical competition: 45 EUR;
-competition speciality economy: 60 EUR.
In case of disclaimer expressly formulated in writing before the closing date of the entries (the postmark is authentic), the registration fees already paid under Article 1 may be reimbursed at the request of the person concerned.
For the National School of Statistical and economic administration, the scholarship holders of the State or wards of the nation shall be exempt from registration fees, upon presentation of proof of their quality as a scholar for the school year in Course.
The Order of November 15, 2001, establishing registration fees for admission as an incumbent student The National School of Economics and Statistics Group is repealed.
The Director General of the National Institute of Statistics and economic studies and the Director of Personnel, Modernisation and Administration shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the Republic French.
Done at Paris, December 4, 2002.
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the Director of Personnel,
from modernization and administration:
The civil administrator,
P. Roger